注音 ㄅㄠˇ ㄕˊ ㄋㄨㄢˇ 一
拼音 bǎo shí nuǎn yī
▸ 民不聊生 ▸ 飢寒交迫 ▸ 飢腸轆轆 ▸ 賣兒鬻女 ▸ 啼飢號寒 ▸ 無衣無食 ▸ 貧病交迫
⒈ 吃得飽穿得暖。
民不聊生: 形容人民不能安定生活。例公私勞擾,民不聊生。——蘇軾《上神宗皇帝書》話中單說建州饑荒,鬥米千錢,民不聊生。——《京本通俗小說》英the people have no means of livelihood; It is hard for the people to survive; life for the people is intolerable; the people can hardly earn a living;
飢寒交迫: 受冷捱餓,窮困之極。英be poverty-stricken; be hungry and pinched with cold; live in pestering hunger and cold; suffer cold and hunger; be miserable from cold and hunger;
飢腸轆轆: 飢餓時腹中轆轆作聲,形容飢餓之甚。
賣兒鬻女: 見“賣男鬻女”。
啼飢號寒: 因飢寒交迫而啼哭。英cry from hunger and cold; cry in hunger and cold;⒉ 形容飢寒交迫、生活極端困苦。英live in hunger and cold; be poverty-stricken;
貧病交迫: 貧窮和疾病一齊逼來。形容處境十分艱苦。