注音 ㄙㄨㄟˊ ㄒ一ㄣ ㄙㄨㄛˇ ㄩˋ
拼音 suí xīn suǒ yù
▸ 循規蹈矩 ▸ 力所能及 ▸ 縮手縮腳 ▸ 謹小慎微 ▸ 力不從心
⒈ 完全按照自己的意願去行事。
英have one's own way; do as one likes;
循規蹈矩: 適合常規和習俗。例與鎮上循規蹈矩的人合不來。英nice; act with directions; follow the usual rules and regulations; toe the line;⒉ 也用於形容拘守成規,不敢有所變動。例皆因看的你們是三四代的老媽媽,最是循規蹈矩。——《紅樓夢》
力所能及: 儘自己能力所能做到的。例倘使那價目為我力所能及,大約明年便當去印。——《魯迅書信集》英as far as one's capacity allows; in one’s power; to the best of one's ability;
縮手縮腳: 因寒冷而四肢捲縮。英shrink with cold;⒉ 做事不大膽,顧慮多。例喊了許多,店家方拿了一盞燈,縮手縮腳的進來。——《老殘遊記》英be overcautions;
謹小慎微: 凡事謹慎小心,以至前怕狼、後怕虎,缺乏敢說敢為的氣質。例謹小慎微,辦不了大事。英proper;
力不從心: 心裡想做,但能力達不到。例今使者大兵未能得出,如諸國力不從心,東西南北自在也。——《後漢書·西域傳》英ability falling short of one's wishes; ability not equal to one's ambition; lack the ability to do what one would like to do; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak;