注音 ㄊㄨㄥ ㄑㄨㄢˊ ㄉㄚˊ ㄅ一ㄢˋ
拼音 tōng quán dá biàn
⒈ 靈活變通,不拘泥於舊章法。亦作“通時達變”
英adaptable to changing circumstance; act as the occasion requires;
守株待兔: 比喻死守經驗,不知變通。亦用以諷刺妄想不勞而獲的僥倖心理。英stand by a stump waiting for more hares to come and clash themselves against it—trust to chance and windfalls;
刻舟求劍: 比喻看問題做事情死板不靈活,不知情隨勢變。英be stubbornly unimaginative as the man who marked the boat to find his lost sword; take measures without regard to changes in circumstances;
墨守成規: 比喻拘泥於成見而不善於機變。英stick to conventions;
膠柱鼓瑟: 鼓瑟時膠住瑟上的弦柱,就不能調節音的高低。比喻固執拘泥,不知變通。語出《史記·廉頗藺相如列傳》:“王以名使括,若膠柱而鼓瑟耳。