
注音 ㄓㄥ ㄓㄥ ㄖˋ ㄕㄤˋ

拼音 zhēng zhēng rì shàng




⒈  蒸蒸:上升和興盛的樣子。比喻事情蓬勃發展,日日都有進步。

becoming more prosperous every day;

不可收拾:  形容事態嚴重到無法挽回的地步。英be hopeless; be impossible to pull back; get out of hand;

世風日下:  社會風氣一天不如一天。

江河日下:  江河的水逐日流向下游。比喻事物日衰,景象日非。英go from bad to worse; degenerate day by day; be on the decline; be on the wane;

每況愈下:  每一次的情況愈發不如前次好。比喻一直在走下坡路,越變越壞。英from smoke into smother; get worse every time; steadily deteriorate;

行將就木:  壽命不長,就要進棺材了。例但老夫行將就木,只求晚年殘喘。——清·吳趼人《痛史》英have one foot in the grave; be getting nearer and nearer to coffin;

大勢已去:  整個局勢漸漸變壞,無可挽回。英It is' all up with sb. one's day is gone;


日薄西山:  薄:逼近。太陽快要落山。比喻事物接近衰亡或人到老年,接近死亡。例臣已日薄西山,餘光無幾,酬恩報國,正在斯時。——《宋史·趙普傳》英declining rapidly as the sun is setting beyond the western hills; nearing one's end;

心勞日拙:  謂費盡心力,處境反而一天不如一天。例作德心逸日休;作偽心勞日拙。——《書·周官》英fare worse and worse for all one's scheming;