
注音 ㄗˋ ㄌ一ˋ ㄍㄥ ㄕㄥ

拼音 zì lì gēng shēng




⒈  更生:重新獲得生命,比喻興建事業。形容靠自己的力量從事建設或解決問題。

regeneration through one's own efforts; self-reliance;


傍人籬落:  見“傍人籬壁”。

樂天知命:  安於自己的命運而沒有任何憂慮。英contented with one's lot; accept fate and be happy about it; enjoy what is natural and obey what is destined;

倚草附木:  比喻依附有能力或權勢的人。⒉  謂精靈倚托草木等物而成妖作怪。

寄人籬下:  比喻依附別人,不能自立。英live under another’s roof; live on dependence of sb.; be (live) under sb's subjugation (thumb); rely on sb. for support; have one's feet (kness,legs) under sb's mahogamy;

依草附木:  亦作“依艹附木”。⒉  迷信謂妖魔鬼怪附於物上,為非作歹。⒊  比喻託名或攀附於人。


傍人門戶:  比喻依賴他人,寄人籬下。英dependent;

坐收漁利:  比喻利用別人之間的矛盾而獲得利益。英reap the spoils of victory without lifting a finger; profit from others’ conflict; reap third party profit;

求親靠友:  指生活困難,求親友幫助。例叫你拿去,或者做個小本買賣或者置幾畝地,以後別再求親靠友的。——《紅樓夢》英ask favors of relatives and friends;

坐享其成:  自己不勞動,只是坐著受用他人辛勞的收穫。英sit idle and enjoy the fruits of other’s work; reap where one has not sown;

仰人鼻息:  比喻依靠別人而生存,只能看人家的臉色行事。例解其倒懸,仰人鼻息。——北齊·杜弼《檄樑文》英be slavishly dependent; act on the orders of; depend on sb.'s whims and pleasures; live at sb.'s mercy.;

越俎代庖:  原意指人各有專職,庖人雖不盡職,主祭者也不越過戉俎去替他辦席。比喻超越自己的職分而代人做事。例為何擅離職守,越俎代庖。——崑曲《十五貫》英take sb's job into one's own hand; exceed one’s functions and meddle in others’ affairs;

不由自主:  由不得自己作主,謂無法控制自己。例我也不很記得了。但覺得自己身子不由自主,倒象有什麼人,拉拉扯扯,要我殺人才好。——《紅樓夢》英cannot help; beside oneself;


火中取栗:  出自法國作家拉·封登的寓言。說是爐中烤著栗子。猴子叫貓去偷,貓不但沒有吃到栗子,反而把腳上的毛燒掉了。比喻被人利用,擔了風險,吃了苦頭,卻沒有撈到任何好處。英be a cat’s paw; pull sb's chestnut out of the fire;

勞而無功:  費了力氣但沒收到成效。例與不可,強不能,告不知,謂之勞而無功。——《管子·形勢》英bay the moon; work hard but to no avail; accomplish little; fool's errand; milk the bull; preach to the winds wash a blackamor white;