注音 ㄗㄨㄥˋ ㄏㄨˇ ㄍㄨㄟ ㄕㄢ
拼音 zòng hǔ guī shān
⒈ 將老虎放回山中。比喻放走敵人,留下禍根。
英let the tiger return to the mountain; cause calamity for the future;
斬草除根: 比喻剷除禍根,以免留下後患。英cut the weeds and dig up the roots—destroy root and branch;
除惡務盡: 驅除邪惡,務求徹底乾淨。例唐以屢赦而成藩鎮之禍,蔓草難圖,除惡務盡。——《野叟曝言》七一回。英evil must be completely eradicated; Evils must be pulled up by the roots.One must be thorough in exterminating an evil;
斬盡殺絕: 全部殺盡。