注音 ㄐ一 ㄒ一ˊ ㄋㄢˊ ㄍㄞˇ
拼音 jī xí nán gǎi
⒈ 長期形成的習慣難以改變。
英too difficult to get rid of deep-rooted habits; ingrained habits cannot be cast off overnight;
⒉ 亦作“積習難除”
推陳出新: 新谷登場時,推去倉中陳米,換儲新米。借指事物的除舊更新。英put forth new ideas; weed through the old to bring for the new;
除舊佈新: 原指推除舊歲,更換新歲,現多指更除舊的,建立新的。例客星犯之,為除舊佈新。——《宋史》英get rid of the old to make way for the new; do away with the old and set up the new;
痛改前非: 極力改正過去的錯誤。英repent past mistakes; sincerely mend one's ways; determine to turn over a new leaf; reform earnestly one's misdeeds;