
注音 ㄨㄤˋ ㄈㄥ ㄆ一 ㄇ一ˇ

拼音 wàng fēng pī mǐ




⒈  比喻在強大勢力面前紛紛倒下,也比喻軍無鬥志,看到敵人氣勢強盛不戰而潰。

flee pell-mell at the mere sight of the oncoming force; flee helter-skelter at the mere sight;

戰無不勝:  形容軍隊打仗每戰必勝或做任何事情都能成功。英invincible; win in every battle;

風聲鶴唳:  鶴唳:鶴叫。《晉書·謝玄傳》記載,東晉時,秦主苻堅率眾攻晉,列陣淝水,謝玄等率精兵擊破秦軍,秦軍在敗逃途中極度驚慌疑懼或自相驚擾。“聞風聲鶴唳,皆以為王師已至”。形容非常慌張,到了自驚自擾的程度。例風聲鶴唳,草木皆兵。英the whining of the wind and the cry of cranes; a fleeing army's suspicion of danger at the slightest sound; be so nervous and fearful that a slight movement in the wind is enough to make one jittery;

銳不可當:  銳:鋒利。當:抵擋。形容來勢銳猛,無法阻擋。例侯無領了千餘人,直突其陣,銳不可當。——明·凌濛初《初刻拍案驚奇》英can't be held back;

所向無敵:  力量所達到的地方,沒有任何力量可與之匹敵。形容無往而不勝。例善將者因天之時,就地之勢,依人之利,則所向無敵,所擊者萬全矣。——諸葛亮《心書》英be invincible; be irrestible; break all enemy resistance;

所向披靡:  比喻力量所達到之處,敵人望風潰散或一切障礙皆被清除。英(of troops) carry all before one; sweep away all obstacles;

潰不成軍:  軍隊被打得七零八落,不成隊伍,形容打仗敗得很慘。英be utterly routed;

勢如破竹:  形勢就像劈竹子。形容節節勝利,毫無阻礙。例其後以之取燕,以之拔齊,勢如破竹,皆迎刃而解者。——宋·王懋《韓信之幸》英smash into the enemy territory like splitting a bamboo;

百戰百勝:  軍隊的一種戰鬥素質。意為戰一百次,勝一百次,每戰都取得勝利。形容極能善戰,所向無敵。例臣有百戰百勝之術。——《史記·魏世家》英gain every battle; victorious in every battle;