注音 ㄊ一ㄠ ㄈㄟˊ ㄐ一ㄢˇ ㄕㄡˋ
拼音 tiāo féi jiǎn shòu
⒈ 本指買肉時挑選肥瘦,現在常用來比喻為了個人利益,對工作或事物反覆挑選。
英pick the fat or choose the lean according to one's advantage ous;
捨己為人: 原指放棄自己的見解,隨聲附和別人。後用指捨棄自己的利益,援助他人。英sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of others;
飢不擇食: 由於飢餓,顧不上挑選食物。比喻情況緊急時,顧不上考慮選擇。英relish plain food; All food is delicious to the starving. Beggars can't be choosers.(諺) Hunger finds no fault with the cookery.(諺) The hungry cannot be fastidious about food.;
先人後己: 優先考慮他人利益。例謙讓恭敬,先人後己。——漢·班昭《女誡·卑弱》英put others before oneself;