注音 ㄐㄨˋ ㄓ ㄇㄣˊ ㄨㄞˋ
拼音 jù zhī mén wài
⒈ 關門不讓某人進,比喻排斥…參加或排除在考慮之外。
英shut the door against sb.;
有求必應: 只要有請求,就一定答應。英respond to every plea; grant whatever is requested;
來者不拒: 凡是來的一律不予拒絕。例往者不追,來者不拒。——《孟子·盡心下》英all comers are welcome; all's fish that comes to this net; keep open doors; refuse nobody's offer;
引狼入室: 比喻自己把敵人或壞人引入內部。例士則無行,報亦慘矣。再娶者,皆引狼入室耳。——《聊齋志異·黎氏》英set a fox to keep one's geese; invite a wolf into the house;