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拼音 fú wēi jì kùn
▸ 隔岸觀火 ▸ 趁火打劫 ▸ 隔山觀虎鬥 ▸ 牆倒眾人推 ▸ 落井下石 ▸ 鬥 ▸ 打家劫舍
⒈ 幫助生活或處境困難的人。
英help the people in trouble; help those in distress and lend support to those in danger or in need;
隔岸觀火: 隔岸相望火災,比喻不關痛癢,袖手旁觀。例在人家有危難的時候,你是挺身而出還是隔岸觀火,這也是一種嚴峻的考驗。英watch a fire from the safe haven of immunity; Fiddle while Rome is burning.;
趁火打劫: 利用失火的混亂時機行劫,比喻趁人之危,從中取利。英try to profit from another’s misfortune; rob the owner while his house is on fire;
落井下石: 見人掉入陷井,不去求援,反而扔下石頭加害。比喻乘人之危予以陷害。英hit a person when he’s down; avail oneself of the time when sb.is in difficulty to make an attack;
打家劫舍: 成夥到人家裡搶劫。劫,搶劫。例打家劫舍的強盜。英loot; to raid homes and plunder houses;