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拼音 fèn fā tú qiáng
▸ 及時行樂 ▸ 行樂及時 ▸ 自暴自棄 ▸ 墮落 ▸ 安於現狀 ▸ 苟且偷安 ▸ 自甘墮落
⒈ 振作精神,努力工作,以謀求強盛。
英go all out to make the country strong; work energetically for the prosperity of the country;
及時行樂: 只顧目前快樂而並不考慮將來的享受。英carpe diem; enjoy the present day,and trust the least possible to the future; have a good time while we have the chance; make merry while we can;
自暴自棄: 自暴,猶言自害;自棄,不求上進。指不求上進,甘心落後。英be backward and have no urge to make progress; abandon oneself to despair; give oneself up as hopeless;
墮落: 道德方面下落至可恥或可鄙的程度。例英雄最後墮落為獨裁者。英degenerate; debase;⒉ 落下。例發齒墮落。英fall;
安於現狀: 習慣、滿足於目前的狀況,不求進取。
苟且偷安: 只貪圖目前的安逸,不顧將來。
自甘墮落: 不知自重自愛,甘心落後和腐敗。英wallow in degeneration; abandon oneself to vice;