
注音 ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄔㄡˊ ㄉ一ˊ ㄎㄞˋ

拼音 tóng chóu dí kài




⒈  全體一致地抱著對敵人的仇恨和憤怒。

share a bitter hatred of enemy; a common danger causes common action; with bitter hatred against the common enemy;

同室操戈:  一家人操起刀槍自相殘殺。比喻內訌;內部的爭鬥。英internal strife; family members try to kill one another; quarrel among brothers in the same family;

眾叛親離:  大家都反對,連親人也背離了。形容處境非常孤立。英be utterly isolated; be opposed by the masses and deserted by one's followers;

自相殘殺:  自己人之間互相殘害。英kill each other; cause death to one another; mutual annihilation;

親痛仇快:  令親者傷痛,使仇敵稱快,多指做事後果和影響不好。英pain one’s friends and please one’s enemies;

孤軍作戰:  孤立無援的軍隊單獨奮戰。比喻單獨辦事,沒有人支援。

孤軍奮戰:  奮戰:盡全力地戰鬥。孤立無助的軍隊單獨對敵作戰。也比喻一個人或一個集體無人支援、幫助的情況下努力從事某項鬥爭。

自相殘害:  殘:傷害。自己人互相殺害。