注音 ㄌㄠˊ ㄇ一ㄣˊ ㄕㄤ ㄘㄞˊ
拼音 láo mín shāng cái
⒈ 原指國家大事處理不當,因而大量浪費人力物力。現在常指做了多餘的事,造成浪費。
英harass the people and drain the treasury; waste money and manpower; make people work hard and waste money for nothing;
養精蓄銳: 養足精神,積蓄力量。也指儲存部隊的戰鬥力,準備新的戰鬥。例不如以現在之兵,分命大將據守險要,養精蓄銳。——《三國演義》英get up steam; conserve strength and store up energy;
一箭雙鵰: 一箭射中兩隻雕。比喻一舉兩得。英kill two birds with one stone; shoot two hawks with one arrow;
一舉兩得: 做一件事得到兩方面的好處。英shoot two hawks with one arrow; kill two birds with one stone;
事半功倍: 意為只用一半的功夫,而收到加倍的功效。形容用力小而收效大。英get twice the result with half the effort;