注音 一 ㄌㄠˊ ㄩㄥˇ 一ˋ
拼音 yī láo yǒng yì
⒈ 辛苦一次,以後就可以永久安逸。
英get sth.done once and for all;
勞而無功: 費了力氣但沒收到成效。例與不可,強不能,告不知,謂之勞而無功。——《管子·形勢》英bay the moon; work hard but to no avail; accomplish little; fool's errand; milk the bull; preach to the winds wash a blackamor white;
徒勞無功: 徒勞的嘗試或無用的姿態。例他們的種種失敗,徒勞無功,簡直像花兒和昆蟲適合於共生一樣驚人。英futility; make a futile effort; flog a dead horse; mount on a dead horse; shoe a goose; work to no avail;⒉ 徒勞無成效的努力;常指空跑一趟而未遇見想要找的人。英water haul;
事倍功半: 指費力多而收穫少。英get half the result with twice the effort;