Similar to...
All of these various methods return a Cursor object which is very similar to a java.sql.ResultSet.
"The future of the global reserve system looks a lot like the past of the global reserve system,"Eichengreen said.
In this way, MyHeritage resembles the music Web site Pandora, which functions as a personal DJ.
readline******和 .readlines******非常相似。
readline****** and .readlines****** are very similar. They are both used in constructs like
In terms of current capabilities, Quartz and a recent version of X.org are similar.
DrownedInSound ***drownedinsound***和英國的Pitchfork相似,是個多次獲獎的音樂網上雜誌,有趣的作者和可靠的評論,構成一個活躍的社群。
Drowned In Sound ***drownedinsound*** is like a British Pitchfork, a multi-award-winning musicwebzine with sparky writers, reliable reviews and a lively community.
Raising capital brings leverage, allowing SWFs to pursue the more sophisticated strategiesused by hedge funds or private equity to achieve similar returns within a defined timeframe.
This machine was known as a conche, because its shape was similar to the shell with that name ***Figure 1.5***.
Results The overall resectability, morbidity and 30-day mortality rate of PEAC was 92.5%, 23.5%and 2.8% respectively, similar to those of ESCC.
It turns out that while Laszlo and Cassandra's genome-wide comparison is 83.82% similar, heand I are 83.95% alike.
And that brings us up to date with .NET ***pronounced like "doughnut", only different***, which islike the Internet, only with more press releases.
But Groupon and Amazon are similar, said GreenCrest Capital analyst A.B. Mendez, becauseboth firms have a working capital 'cash cushion' and corresponding liability on the balance sheet.
Although py.test and nose have a quite similar feature set here, I actually prefer the approach ofnose.
But the HD7 comes close, and its large 4.3in display is perfectly suited to Microsoft's innovative new-look interface.
xml 檔案和web.xml檔案與用傳統的portlet打包的檔案相似。
Both the portlet.xml and web.xml files are similar to the files packaged with a traditional portlet.
etc/at.allow和 /etc/at.deny檔案對at設施起相似的作用。
The corresponding /etc/at.allow and /etc/at.deny files have similar effects for the at facility.
Considering that in many cases, a sensor behaviour is both spatially and temporally correlated,proposes a distributed and localized behaviour trust mechanism based on similarity.
Results showed that the root colonization rate of S. gracilis ***62.2%*** was higher than that of A.conyzoides ***36.5%*** and P. notatum ***37.3%***. The arbuscule percentage showed a similarpattern.
Although 3-year survival rates and disease-free survival rates between two group was thesame***P>0.05***.
I need a website that is similar with OLX. CO. ZA with my logos and trademark signs which will besupplied to you before you start.
Results The two groups were similar with respect to epidural block characteristics***P>0.05***.
Figure 1. Both upper right and lower left diagrams represent a similar complex entity, but thearchitecture illustrated in the lower-left diagram shows how encapsulation reduces complexity.
Pattern 2:G1>G2>G3, or sometimes G3 vanished. These two kinds occurred 52.6%, 47.4%respectively, similar among years.
Pattern 2:G1>G2>G3, or sometimes G3 vanished. These two kinds occurred 52.6%, 47.4%respectively, similar among years.
1. Yorke's shadowy side found sympathy and affinity in the whole of his wife's uniformly overcast nature.
2. History is always the surprising coincidence and similar.
3. Similar and similarity surplus are a pair of chief categories of figurative thinking.
4. Fundamental Content of the similarity theory contains definition, theorems, type and methods of similitude.
相似論基本內容包括相似定義, 相似定理, 相似型別和相似方法.
5. However, modern medical research has exposed these and similar views as mere prejudices and superstitions.
然而, 現代醫學研究已經揭示這些看法和相似的觀點起碼帶有偏見和迷信.
6. The characteristic parameter and similarity classification is a new method for correcting the matrix effect.
7. According to the characteristic and similarity, Mold parts classify non - molding parts, standard parts and molding parts.
第三, 模具零件根據自身特點及其使用頻率和相似程度,可以分為結構件 、 標準件和成型件.
8. Also, the general system characteristics can be reviewed and compared to similar applications.
同樣, 通用的系統功能的複審也能和相似的應用進行比較.
9. Although overlaps exist in grouping system, it is easier to understand materials when relationships are identified.
儘管類別系統中存在著交迭和相似的東西,而當相互之間的關係屬性明確的時候, 還是很容易理解它們的.
10. Lu Xun and Anderson create the same provincial literary themes and grotesque character images.
11. Again the pregnancy was very similar to my previous two.
12. Washington and Moscow are believed to have similar views on Kashmir.
13. He despised William Pitt, notwithstanding the similar views they both held.
14. This guy bore a really freaky resem-blance to Jones.
15. The oboe and the clarinet have got certain features in common.
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