Personal freedom/Right to security of the person
英 文 Personal freedom/Right to security of the person
中 文 人身自由
出 處 法律學名詞-公法
Personal freedom/Right to security of the person 人身自由 【法律學名詞-公法】
right-left turning of the arm 臂之左右轉動 【電機工程】
right-left traverse of the arm 臂之左右移動 【電機工程】
Right to education of pregnant students 懷孕學生之受教權 【法律學名詞-性別與家事法】
right-left traverse of the arm 臂之左右移動 【生產自動化】
right-left turning of the arm, rotation of the arm 臂之左右轉動 【生產自動化】
Protection of the involved party's right to education 保障當事人之受教權 【法律學名詞-性別與家事法】
[A Call to the Teachrs of the Nation] 〔對全國教師的呼聲〕 【教育大辭書】
ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter 圓周率;π 【數學名詞釋義】
ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter 圓周率;π 【資訊與通信術語辭典】
contact fault due to non-opening of the contact circuit 觸點電路不斷開的觸點故障 【電機工程】
Rule for Enforcement of the Joint Development of Land Adjacent to or Contiguous with Taipei Metropolitan Area Rapid Transit Systems 台北都會區大眾捷運系統土地聯合開發實施要點 【電子計算機名詞】
The Equalization of Land Rights Act, Regulation for the Enforcement of the Equalization of Land Right Act 平均地權條例 【電子計算機名詞】
Responsible person of the limited partnership 有限合夥負責人 【法律學名詞-財經法】
Freedom of the press 新聞自由 【法律學名詞-公法】
Freedom of the publication 著作與出版自由 【法律學名詞-公法】
vapor lock due to overheating of fuel in the fuel system 燃油系統燃油過熱氣阻 【機械工程】
Rule for Enforcement of the Joint Development of Land Adjacent to or Contiguous with Taipei Metropolitan Area Rapid Transit Systems 台北都會區大眾捷運系統土地聯合開發實施要點 【機械工程】
Mistake as to the identity of the victim or object 客體錯誤 【法律學名詞-刑法】
right to access personal information 個人資訊取得權 【行政學名詞】