statement of resources and their application,statement of application of funds
英 文 statement of resources and their application,statement of application of funds
中 文 資金來源運用表,資金運用表
出 處 會計學
statement of resources and their application,statement of application of funds 資金來源運用表,資金運用表 【會計學】
summary statement of resources and obligations 資力負擔彙總表 【會計學】
statement of sources and application of funds,statement of sources and disposition of funds 資金來源運用表 【會計學】
statement of resources and obligations 資力負擔表 【會計學】
statement of resources and liabilities 資產負債表 【會計學】
statement of funds and its application,statement of application of funds 資金運用表 【會計學】
source-and-disposition statement,source-and-uses statement,statement of application of funds 資金來源去路表,資金運用表 【會計學】
where-got where-gone statement,statement of source and application of funds 資金來源運用表 【會計學】
statement of application of funds 資金運用表 【會計學】
application of fund statement,statement of application of funds 資金運用表 【會計學】
funds statement,statement of application of funds 資金表,資金運用表 【會計學】
[On the Education of Boys and Their Moral Culture] 〔論男童的教育及道德培養〕 【教育大辭書】
Athens Convention Relating to the Carriage of Passengers and Their Luggages by Sea 海上運送旅客及其行李雅典公約 【海洋科學名詞-造船工程】
Athens Convention Relating to the Carriage of Passengers and Their Luggages by Sea 海上運送旅客及其行李雅典公約 【海洋科學名詞-兩岸造船工程】
application of funds 資金運用 【會計學】
[Twentieth-Century Chinese Writers and Their Pen Names (Enlarged Edition)] [二十世紀中國作家筆名錄] 【圖書館學與資訊科學大辭典】
[Library Resources and Technical Service] 〔圖書館資源與技術服務〕 【圖書館學與資訊科學大辭典】
bulk semiconductor devices and their applications 體半導體元件與其應用 【電子工程】
commitment, concurrency, and recovery application-service-element 承諾、併作、及復原的應用服務元件; 【電子計算機名詞】
messages and their communication 訊息及其通訊 【電子計算機名詞】