注音 ㄐ一 ㄈㄟ ㄉㄢˋ ㄉㄚˇ
拼音 jī fēi dàn dǎ
▸ 人財兩空 ▸ 卵覆鳥飛 ▸ 巢毀卵破 ▸ 兩敗俱傷 ▸ 水盡鵝飛
⒈ 比喻什麼也沒得到,落個兩頭都落空。賠了夫人又折兵。多指做事考慮不周,造成壞的結果。
英all is lost as the hen has flown away and the eggs in the coop are broken; come out emptyhanded;
人財兩空: 連人帶財物都喪失了。例可憐張李二家沒趣,真是“人財兩空”。——《紅樓夢》英loss both the beauty and her possessions;
卵覆鳥飛: 鳥飛走了,卵也打破了。比喻兩頭空,一無所得。
巢毀卵破: 鳥巢被毀了,其中的鳥蛋必破無疑。比喻親代遭受禍殃,子代會受到株連。亦比喻國亡家則破,人民生活就不安定。英the nest destroyed and the eggs broken;
兩敗俱傷: 爭鬥的雙方都受到損失。例倘若大人再要回護他三人,將來一定兩敗俱傷,於大人反為無益。——清·李寶嘉《官場現形記》英internecine; both parties be weakened by mutual homicide; both being defeated and wounded; both sides suffer; cut one another's throat; neither side gains;
水盡鵝飛: 喻利盡交絕。⒉ 比喻民窮財盡。