注音 ㄗㄨㄟˋ ㄕㄥ ㄇㄥˋ ㄙˇ
拼音 zuì shēng mèng sǐ
▸ 及時行樂 ▸ 燈紅酒綠 ▸ 嘔心瀝血 ▸ 行樂及時 ▸ 窮奢極欲 ▸ 紙醉金迷 ▸ 醉死夢生 ▸ 枕戈待旦 ▸ 酒綠燈紅 ▸ 花天酒地 ▸ 荒淫無度
⒈ 像喝醉了酒或做夢似的,糊里糊塗地活著。
英live as if intoxicated or dreaming; lead a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming; dream away one’s time;
及時行樂: 只顧目前快樂而並不考慮將來的享受。英carpe diem; enjoy the present day,and trust the least possible to the future; have a good time while we have the chance; make merry while we can;
燈紅酒綠: 形容盡歡的場面,多指腐化奢侈的生活。例燈紅酒綠,紙醉金迷。英red lanterns and green wine — scene of debauchery;
嘔心瀝血: 耗盡心血。英make painstaking efforts; shed one's heart's blood; work one’s heart out;
窮奢極欲: 形容極端貪慾盡情享樂。例失道妄行,逆天暴物,窮奢極欲,湛緬荒淫。——《漢書·谷家傳》英profuse;
紙醉金迷: 被金錢所迷醉。比喻貪戀陶醉於繁華都市的淫逸生活。英luxury and dissipation; live an extravagant life;
醉死夢生: 見“醉生夢死”。
枕戈待旦: 兵器為枕,以待天明。指時刻警惕,準備作戰。英maintain combat readiness;
酒綠燈紅: 形容熱鬧的飲宴場面。泛指奢侈豪華的生活情景。
花天酒地: 縱情恣意於酒色。例到京之後,又復花天酒地,任意招搖。——清·李寶嘉《官場現形記》英indulge in dissipation; lead a life of luxury and debauchery;⒉ —亦作“酒地花天”
荒淫無度: 謂放蕩淫亂,毫無節制。例誠荒淫無度,不知其不可也。——漢·楊惲《報孫會宗書》英immeasurably dissolute;