注音 ㄒ一ㄥˊ ㄐ一ㄤ ㄐ一ㄡˋ ㄇㄨˋ
拼音 xíng jiāng jiù mù
▸ 氣息奄奄 ▸ 鐘鳴漏盡 ▸ 枯木朽株 ▸ 病入膏肓 ▸ 風燭殘年
⒈ 壽命不長,就要進棺材了。
英have one foot in the grave; be getting nearer and nearer to coffin;
氣息奄奄: 呼吸微弱、快要斷氣的樣子。形容人死氣沉沉,缺乏朝氣。
鐘鳴漏盡: 晨鐘已鳴,更漏將盡。比喻年老力衰,已到遲暮之年。英be in one's declining years;
枯木朽株: 枯樹爛樁。比喻老朽無能之人。
病入膏肓: 指病已危重到無法救治的地步或事情已發展到不可挽救的程度。英sick beyond cure; past all hopes;
風燭殘年: 風中之燭易滅。喻指老人的殘年,不久於世。例只這風燭殘年,沒的倒是眼淚倒回去,望肚子裡流。——《兒女英雄傳》英in one's declining years; at the flickering stage of one's life; have one foot in the grave; old and ailing is like a candle guttering in the wind;