注音 ㄗˋ ㄖㄢˊ ㄦˊ ㄖㄢˊ
拼音 zì rán ér rán
▸ 順其自然 ▸ 大勢所趨 ▸ 油然而生 ▸ 聽之任之 ▸ 聽其自然 ▸ 水到渠成
⒈ 出於自然之勢,不經人力干預而收到預期的成效。
英naturally; automatically; spontaneously;
大勢所趨: 整個局勢發展演變的必然趨勢。英as things are going generally; general course of development;
油然而生: 油然:很自然的。形容自然地產生(某種思想感情)。
聽之任之: 聽任不管。讓它自由發展。英let sb.have his own way; leave things as they are; let matters drift;
聽其自然: 任憑事情發展,不作任何努力。英let things take their own course; leave enough alone; let matters stand; take the world as one finds it;
水到渠成: 水流到之處便有渠道,比喻有條件之後,事情自然會成功。例恐年載間遂有飢寒之憂,不能不少念,然俗所謂水到渠成,至時亦必自有處置。——宋·蘇軾《與章子厚書》英when wate flows,a channel is formed; sth.happens without extra effort;