注音 ㄏㄨㄟ ㄏㄨㄛˋ ㄨˊ ㄉㄨˋ
拼音 huī huò wú dù
▸ 大手大腳 ▸ 暴殄天物 ▸ 揮金如土 ▸ 開源節流 ▸ 鋪張浪費 ▸ 一擲千金
⒈ 任意花錢,毫無節制。
大手大腳: 形容對錢、物的使用不知節制。英extravagant; be wasteful; spend with a free hand;
暴殄天物: 任意糟蹋東西。例今商王受無道,暴殄天物,害虐烝民。——《書·武成》英reckless waste of natural resources;
揮金如土: 揮霍錢財像撒泥土一樣。形容極端奢侈浪費。例兩個拆家精,揮金如土,不務正業。英squander money like dust;
開源節流: 發展生產,節省開支。英broaden the sources of income and reduce expenditure; increase income and decrease expenditure;
鋪張浪費: 為講究排場而浪費人力物力。例提倡勤儉節約,反對鋪張浪費。英extravagance and waste;
一擲千金: 原指賭博時下賭注極大。後指任意揮霍錢財。英lay a wager of thousand taels of gold at one throw of the dice; gamble at high stake;