注音 一ㄢˇ ㄖㄣˊ ㄦˇ ㄇㄨˋ
拼音 yǎn rén ěr mù
▸ 欺上瞞下 ▸ 以退為進 ▸ 狡兔三窟 ▸ 遮人耳目 ▸ 欺人自欺 ▸ 瞞上欺下 ▸ 濫竽充數 ▸ 偷天換日 ▸ 自欺欺人 ▸ 眾目睽睽 ▸ 老婆當軍 ▸ 欲蓋彌彰 ▸ 招搖撞騙 ▸ 避人耳目
⒈ 掩:遮蓋。堵住人的耳朵,遮住人的眼睛。比喻以假象來矇蔽別人。
英deceive the public; hood wink people;
欺上瞞下: 欺騙上級,矇蔽下級。英deceive one’s superiors and delude one’s subordinates;
以退為進: 把退讓看作前進。漢揚雄《法言·君子》:“昔乎顏淵以退為進,天下鮮儷焉。”李軌注:“後名而名先也。”後亦指表面退讓,實際上以此作為進升的手段。⒉ 指表面上退卻,其實準備進攻的一種戰術或策略。
狡兔三窟: 狡黠的野兔築巢時備有相通的三個洞窟。比喻為將來躲避災禍計慮得十分周密。英a wily rabbit has three burrows-elaborate precautions made for self-protection;
遮人耳目: 見“遮人眼目”。
欺人自欺: 自欺:自我欺騙。欺騙自己,也欺騙別人。
瞞上欺下: 瞞哄上級,欺壓下屬和人民。英deceive those over and bully those below;
濫竽充數: 不會吹竽的人,混在吹竽的樂隊裡充數(故事見《韓非子·內儲說上》)。比喻沒有真才實學的人混在行家裡面充數,或是以次貨充好貨。也用作自謙之詞。例若只靠才氣,摭些陳言,便不好濫竽充數了。——清·文康《兒女英雄傳》英pass oneself off as one of the players in an ensemble; hold a post without adequate qualifications; simply to make up the number;
偷天換日: 比喻暗中玩弄手法,掩蓋事物的真相,用以欺騙別人。英play a sly trick by stealing the sky and putting up a sham sun; audacious scheme of cheating people;
自欺欺人: 用自己都無法置信的話和手法來欺騙別人,既欺人,又自欺。英deceive oneself as well as others; fool others as well as oneself;
眾目睽睽: 眾人的眼睛都注視著。例寬敞而毫無遮攔的辦公桌前,每個人都在眾目睽睽下不停地工作著。英the eyes of the masses are fixed on sb. or sth.;
老婆當軍: 歇後語。謂充數,沒有用處。
欲蓋彌彰: 想隱藏壞事或過失的實情,但卻更加暴露。英Try to conceal a mistake,only to make it more conspicious; the more one tries to hide the more one is revealed;
招搖撞騙: 假借他人聲勢,從事誘騙錢財等活動。英swindle and bluff;
避人耳目: 謂避免走漏訊息。