
注音 ㄨㄟˇ ㄑㄨ ㄑ一ㄡˊ ㄑㄨㄢˊ

拼音 wěi qū qiú quán




⒈  勉強遷就,以求保全;顧全大局,暫時忍讓。

compromise out of consideration for the general interest; make concessions to achieve one's purpose; stoop to compromise;

退避三舍:  比喻對人讓步,避免衝突。英fink out; keep sb. at arm's length;


含垢忍辱:  指忍受恥辱。例這將意味著含垢忍辱?英endure contempt and insults;

低聲下氣:  形容說話恭順小心,忍氣吞聲的樣子。例先和容悅色,低聲下氣的叫了聲姐姐。——《兒女英雄傳》英humble; soft-spoken and submissive;

相忍為國:  為了國家利益而作一定的讓步。

飲泣吞聲:  淚流入口,哭不出聲。形容十分悲痛而不能公開發洩。

唾面自乾:  人家往自己臉上吐唾沫,不擦掉而讓它自幹。指受了侮辱,極度容忍,不加反抗,也指人不知羞恥。英drain the cup of humiliation; extreme obsequiousness as one who in spat on the face and let dry without wiping;

犯而不校:  別人觸犯自己也不計較。亦作:犯而勿校。

忍辱求全:  忍受屈辱,以求保全整個大局。英endure humiliation for the sake of preserving unity;

忍辱負重:  忍受羞辱,以負重任。例國家所以屈諸君使相承望者,以僕有尺寸可稱,能忍辱負重故也。——《三國志·陸遜傳》英endure humiliation in order to carry out an important mission;

忍氣吞聲:  忍氣:受了氣而強自忍受。吞聲:有話不敢說出來。形容受了氣只能勉強忍著,不敢發作。例為傢俬少長無短,我則得忍氣吞聲。——《元曲選·鴛鴦被》英submit to humiliation;

逆來順受:  對惡劣的環境或無禮的待遇隱忍而不抗爭。例媳婦並不是逆來順受的女人,只會給這位婆母碰釘子。英bear one's hard lot as well as one can; grin and bear it; meekly accept humiliations;

降心相從:  屈己從人。