注音 ㄊ一ㄢ ㄗㄠˋ ㄉ一ˋ ㄕㄜˋ
拼音 tiān zào dì shè
⒈ 謂事物自然形成而合乎理想。
英ideal; heavenly;
郎才女貌: 舊時形容青年男女才貌般配。例這一雙郎才女貌天生下,筍條兒遊治子花朵兒俊嬌娃,堪寫入風流仕女丹青畫。——《元曲選·揚州夢》英female beauuty at home and male service to the state; perfect match with the man wise and his girl pretty; a perfect match between a man and girl;
鬼斧神工: 形容建築、雕塑等技能的精巧,非人工所能為。也說“神工鬼斧”例黃山的怪峰奇石,形狀千變萬化,無怪乎人們要嘆為鬼斧神工了。英uncanny workmanship; superlative craftsmanship; be extraordinary as if done by the spirits;
神工鬼斧: 形容技術精巧,不像人工做成的。亦作“鬼斧神工”。英uncanny workmanship;