注音 ㄔㄥˊ ㄏㄨˊ ㄕㄜˋ ㄕㄨˇ
拼音 chéng hú shè shǔ
⒈ 要掏挖狐狸恐怕毀壞城池,要薰死老鼠恐怕燒灼社廟。比喻憑藉某種勢力的庇護而作惡的人。
英take advantage of one's or sb. else's power to do evils; the evildoes are like foxes in the city and rats in the temple;
社鼠城狐: 城狐社鼠。比喻依仗權勢為非作歹而又不易清除的壞人。例不堤防柙虎樊熊,任縱橫社鼠城孤。——清·洪??《長生殿》英officials who take advantage of others power to bully people;
害群之馬: 害馬,本指損傷馬的自然本性。後凡足以損害同類或團體的人都稱為害馬或害群之馬。例但我在廠裡好比是一家之主,我不能容忍那種害群之馬。——茅盾《子夜》英black sheep; an evil member of the herd;
狐假虎威: 假:借。狐狸借老虎之威嚇退百獸。比喻依仗別人的勢力來恐嚇人。英the ass in the lion’s skin; (fig) bully people by flaunting one's powerful connections;