注音 ㄓㄤˋ 一ˋ ㄓˊ 一ㄢˊ
拼音 zhàng yì zhí yán
⒈ 憑據義理,敢於站出來說公道話。
英speak out from a sense of justice;
理直氣壯: 理由充分,言行因而有氣勢。例只要我們理直氣壯,怕他怎的!英be in the right and selfconfident; be self-confident on the strength of one's being right; justly and forcefully; speak with compelling argument;
直言不諱: 無保留地、坦率地談出事實、意見或感情。例一位坦率評論家的直言不諱的評論。英frank;
打抱不平: 遇到不公平的事,挺身而出,幫助受欺負的一方。例你要是個男人,出去打一個抱不平兒,你又充什麼荊軻聶政?真真好笑!——《紅樓夢》英help victims of injustice; defend sb. against an injustice; right wrongs and defend innocence;