
注音 一 ㄓㄣ ㄐ一ㄢˋ ㄒ一ㄝˇ

拼音 yī zhēn jiàn xiě




⒈  比喻說話、做文章直截、簡短而切中要害。

hit sb.on the raw; penetratingly;

有的放矢:  有靶子才射箭,比喻說話、做事都有明確的目的。英have a definite object in view as one who shoots the arrow at the target;

開門見山:  比喻說話、寫文章直截了當,一開始就涉及主題。例一種不拘形式、開門見山的外交。英come straight to the point; shirt-sleeved;

鞭辟入裡:  原指學習要切實。現常用來形容言論或文章說理透徹、深刻。也說“鞭辟近裡”(裡頭)英trenchant; penetrating; incisive;

對症下藥:  原指醫生針對病情處方用藥,現在常用來比喻針對具體情況決定採取措施或處理辦法。例你要老實把原因告訴我,我才能對症下藥。英suit the medicine to the illness; (fig) suit the remedy to the case; prescribe the right remedy for an illness;

泛泛之談:  泛泛:浮淺不深入。一般化地泛泛地談談。

要言不煩:  要:簡要。煩:煩瑣。指說話簡明扼要。英give the essentials in simple language; important statement need not be prolix;

切中時弊:  切中:正好擊中。指對社會弊端的批評議論很切合。例趙安仁言事,切中時弊,及答契丹書,不失祖宗規式。——《宋史·陳彭年傳論》英cutting into the present-day evils;

一語道破:  一句話說穿。


言簡意賅:  語言雖精練簡潔,但已概括要義。英words are few,but they contain profound truth; be precise and to the point;

刀刀見血:  比喻說話厲害。例口尖舌利,刀刀見血,把人們的火都拱起來了。——古立高《隆冬》英speak sharply;

一語破的:  一句話就說中要害,點破實質。英hit the mark with a single comment;

單刀直入:  原意是勇猛前進,現在則比喻說話直截了當,鋒芒甚銳。例若是作家戰將,便請單刀直入。——宋·釋原道《景德傳燈錄》英speak out without beating about the bush; come straight to the point;

提綱挈領:  提網之綱,挈衣之領。比喻舉其要領,扼其要害,就能理順關係,處事得心應手。英bring out the essentials by concentrating on the main points;

言必有中:  一說就說到關鍵、要害的地方。形容說話恰當得體。例夫人不言,言必有中。——《論語·先進》英whenever one say sth.,one hits the nail on the head; what one says is always to point;

切中要害:  指批評恰到事物的緊要處。


一語中的:  見“一語破的”。