
注音 ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄐ一ㄥˇ ㄒ一ㄚˋ ㄕˊ

拼音 luò jǐng xià shí




⒈  見人掉入陷井,不去求援,反而扔下石頭加害。比喻乘人之危予以陷害。

hit a person when he’s down; avail oneself of the time when sb.is in difficulty to make an attack;

趁火打劫:  利用失火的混亂時機行劫,比喻趁人之危,從中取利。英try to profit from another’s misfortune; rob the owner while his house is on fire;

乘人之危:  人家有急難,反而乘機去侵害。英take advantage of sb.'s precarious position;

趁人之危:  利用別人危險的境況圖利。英take advantage of another’s perilous state;

上樹拔梯:  比喻誘使別人上前而斷其退路。


投井下石:  見“投阱下石”。

投阱下石:  投入陷阱,落下石塊。比喻在人危難之時趁機加害。亦作“投井下石”、“落井下石”英attack someone who has already fallen from power;

避坑落井:  避開了坑,又掉進了井。比喻躲過了禍,又遇到了害。英get out of the frying pan into the fire;

幸災樂禍:  對別人遭遇的災禍感到高興。例若居承平之世,睥睨宮闈,幸災樂禍、首為逆亂。——北齊·顏之推《顏氏家訓》英schadenfreude; be glad when sb. is in difficulty; take pleasure in other's misfortune;

雪上加霜:  再次遭難而受到更嚴重的傷害。英one disaster after another; calamities come in succession as frost is added on top of snow;