注音 ㄨㄣˊ ㄈㄥ ㄙㄤˋ ㄉㄢˇ
拼音 wén fēng sàng dǎn
▸ 不可終日 ▸ 心驚膽戰 ▸ 惶惶不可終日 ▸ 喪魂落魄 ▸ 談虎色變 ▸ 望風而逃 ▸ 皇皇不可終日
⒈ 剛聽到一點風聲就懼怕不已。形容極端虛弱、惶恐。
英become terror-stricken of the news; become panicstricken at the news;
不可終日: 一天也過不下去。形容內心極度不安或局勢極為緊迫。英be in a desperate situation; be unable to carry on even for a single day;
心驚膽戰: 形容極端恐懼。例不由我心中自懊惱,一會家心內焦,好著我心驚膽戰,一會家內顫身搖。——《雍熙樂府·醉花陰》英prostrate with fear;
喪魂落魄: 形容非常害怕的樣子。英be frightened out of one's life; be scared of one's wits; in panic; be battered out of one's senses;
談虎色變: 一談到老虎,臉色就變了。比喻對某事極為懼怕,一提起來就驚懼不已而徒然變色。英turn pale at the mere mention of a tiger or sth. terrible;
望風而逃: 看見對方氣勢很盛就不戰而逃。英flee at the mere sight of the oncoming force; flee pell-mell at the mere sight;