注音 ㄏㄨㄛˇ ㄓㄨㄥ ㄑㄨˇ ㄌ一ˋ
拼音 huǒ zhōng qǔ lì
⒈ 出自法國作家拉·封登的寓言。說是爐中烤著栗子。猴子叫貓去偷,貓不但沒有吃到栗子,反而把腳上的毛燒掉了。比喻被人利用,擔了風險,吃了苦頭,卻沒有撈到任何好處。
英be a cat’s paw; pull sb's chestnut out of the fire;
虎口拔牙: 從老虎口中拔牙。比喻所做之事十分危險。英beard the lion in his den; dare the greatest danger as pulling a tooth from the tiger's mouth;
為人作嫁: 貧窮女子常為富家女出嫁作衣。比喻徒然替他人辛苦出力。英busy oneself with helping other people; fools lade water and wise men catch the fish; slave for others with no benefit to oneself as one who sews sb. else's trousseau;
代人受過: 受:承受,擔待;過:過失,過錯。替別人承擔過錯的責任。