
注音 ㄓㄢˇ ㄐ一ㄣˋ ㄕㄚ ㄐㄩㄝˊ

拼音 zhǎn jìn shā jué




⒈  全部殺盡。

抱蔓摘瓜:  摘完瓜連瓜蔓也抱去。比喻濫加株連,斬盡殺絕。語本唐李賢《黃臺瓜辭》:“種瓜黃臺下,瓜熟子離離。一摘使瓜好,再摘使瓜稀,三摘猶自可,摘絶抱蔓歸。”

刀下留人:  為營救將被斬首的人而向主持或執行斬首的人發出的留人一命的緊急呼籲。

斬草除根:  比喻剷除禍根,以免留下後患。英cut the weeds and dig up the roots—destroy root and branch;

枯本竭源:  謂損害事物的根基。

寸草不留:  指天災人禍後破壞殆盡,什麼也沒留下。英not leave anything;

殺人如麻:  形容殺人極多。例朝避猛虎,夕避長蛇。磨牙吮血,殺人如麻。——唐·李白《蜀道難》這是一個殺人如麻的慣匪。英kill people like flies; commit innumerable murders; decimate the population;

除惡務盡:  驅除邪惡,務求徹底乾淨。例唐以屢赦而成藩鎮之禍,蔓草難圖,除惡務盡。——《野叟曝言》七一回。英evil must be completely eradicated; Evils must be pulled up by the roots.One must be thorough in exterminating an evil;

雞犬不留:  軍隊所過,雞狗被殺光。喻不留情地殘殺,人和牲畜一起殺光。英even fowls and dogs are not spared; complete extermination;

剪草除根:  鋤草要除掉根端,比喻除惡務盡,不能姑息遺患。英mow the grass and pull out the roots; cut the weeds and dig up the roots; destroy evil,leaving no chance of its revival;

翦草除根:  比喻徹底清除,不留後患。