




  雙脣向兩旁伸開,成扁型,即作微笑狀,口腔肌肉緊張。舌尖抵下齒,舌前部向上抬起,但不要堵塞氣流,沒有摩擦。氣流連貫地送出。 /i/的發音要領


  Tea for the thin twin tinsmish.給瘦瘦的孿生錫匠的茶。

  Thick ticks think thin ticks are sick.胖蝨子認為瘦蝨子很討厭。 Silly Billy!silly Billy!

  why is silly Billy silly?

  silly Billy hid a shilling,

  isn't silly Billy silly?

  /e/ 和/æ/


  /æ/ 同/e/牙床開到幾乎最大。

  Edgar at eight ate eight eggs a day.

  a flea fled fat flo's flat.

  you are with northwest,bisiness at its best.

  a man demand amanda's panda.

  don't let the cat out of the bag.別洩露祕密。


  /a:/口張大,口腔擴充套件,形成共鳴腔,聲音深沉,發音位置靠後。 /?/ 雙脣放鬆,自然向兩邊平展,口腔縮小,不形成共鳴。

  chicken in the car and the car can go .that is the way you spell chicago. a cup of proper coffee in a copper copper coffee cup. 在銅咖啡杯裡有一杯合適的咖啡。

  ducks clucked under the docks with a ducker in duck ducking into the dark.

  there are artful artists and awful artists.although there are a lot of awesome artful artists,annying awful artists occur more often.有好的藝術家,也有糟糕的藝術家。雖然有許多令人尊敬的能工巧匠,但令人惱火的糟糕藝術家卻處處可見。

  /?/和 /?:/,/u/ 和/u:/

  /?/口自然張大,舌頭稍向後縮,舌後部抬起,雙脣略圓。 /?:/雙脣前突收圓,使口腔擴大,以產生共鳴效果。

  /u/舌後部抬起,舌尖離開下齒。雙脣收圓,但嘴不能突出。 /u:/舌後要比/u/抬得更高些,雙脣儘量向前圖出。

  trill two true tunes to the troops.

  underwood would wear underwear if Underwood knew where his underwear was.

  Underwood's underwear was in Durwood's woods.

  Underwood went into Durwood's woods and got his underwear. 安德伍德如果知道他的內衣在哪裡的話,他就會穿上他了。 安德伍德的內衣在德伍德的森林裡。




  if i assist a sister-assistant,will the sister's sister-assistant assist me?如果我幫助一個女助手,那個妹妹的女助手會幫助我嗎?

  ere her ear hears her err;her ears err here.在她的耳朵聽到自己的錯之前,她的耳機先聽錯了。

  Ernie yearned to learn to turn urns.俄尼渴望學會轉咖啡壺。




  /ei/ 發音時先發/e/音,然後向/i/滑動。雙脣稍扁,口型由半開到合。 /au/發音時由前母音/a/滑到後母音/u/。發/a/時要張得足夠大,發/u/嘴要稍向前突。口型由大到小。

  /?u/ 發音時由中母音//過渡到/u/。

  the rain in spain is mainly on the plain.

  brian's bride bakes buns.布萊恩的新娘烘小麵包。

  a clan of cool crows clings close in cold climates.一群寒冷的烏鴉在嚴寒的天氣裡緊縮成一團。


  發音時由/i/到/?/滑動,/i/ 要發得清楚響亮,/?/要發得簡短迅速,同時/i/也不能發得過長。口型由小到略開。

  a fish-sauce shop's sure to sell fresh fish sauce.賣魚醬的商店肯定賣新鮮餓魚醬。

  horse hairs are coarse hairs ,of course.

  big boxes of bears were brought abroad.


  that's a bear lair.

  i would not go in there on a dare .

  in there is where a bear scared Pie ear .

  Pierre was not aware of the bear in the lair.

  Until the bear gave a glare and Pierre ran from there.