To give up equal to the end
Abandon is equal to the end
To give up and over
give up
Well, I have to give up my experiment with resignation.哎,我只好無可奈何地放棄我的實驗了。
The act of giving up; surrender."放棄;交出,引渡"
He renounces Christianity, temporarily straining his relationship with his parents.他放棄了基督教信仰,從而與父母的關係暫時變得緊張。
To compensate bondholders for being forced to give up their investments, the call price usually is somewhat higher than the face value of the bonds.作為對債券持有者被迫放棄他們投資的補償,贖回價格通常比債券的面值略高。
"Singapore is part of this rising tide. In Consequence, many bright young people have given up their secure jobs to join in the race."新加坡也投入這一潮流,致使眾多青年才俊放棄穩定的工作而加入網路競賽。
Assume [hold, drop] the reins of government掌握到[掌握著,放棄]政權
A dispensation,as from a rule or penalty.撤消放棄,如放棄法令或懲罰
Jou-chia dropped her derisive tone and spoke with outright indignation, "I told you before.I don't like seeing Chao Hsin-mei柔嘉放棄了嘲諷的口吻,坦白地憤恨說——“我早告訴你,我不喜歡跟趙辛楣來往。
After rethink,we have decide to withdraw our claim.經再三考慮,我們決定放棄索賠。
"I discovered that more than desire and emotion were necessary to write, so I dropped the idea."我發現,要寫作,需要的不僅僅是願望和感情。於是。我放棄了寫作的念頭。
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