In 1899, when Einstein studied at the Swiss Federal University of Technology in Zurich, his tlltor was Minkevsky, a mathematician.
Once Einstein asked Minkevsky, "How can a person, like me, leave his distinct footprints on the road of life and make an outstanding contribution in the scientific field?" It was a "sophisticated" problem. Minkevsky said that he had to think about it better and then gave him an answer.
Three days later, Minkevsky told Einstein that the answer was coming! He pulled Einstein to walk toward a building site and straight set foot on the cement ground that the construction workers had just paved.
In the workers' scolding, Einstein was confused to ask Minkevsky,"Sir, don't you lead me astray?"
"Right, exactly!" Minkevsky said. "Have you seen it? Only the old road surface that have long solidified and on those place that have been passed by countless steps, you cannot tread out your footprint.
“對,就是這樣!”明可夫斯基說。 “看到了吧?只有尚未凝固的水泥面,才能留下深深的足跡。那些凝固很久的老路面,那些被無數腳步走過的地方,你別想再踩出腳印。”
Hearing that, Einstein thought long and nodded significantly, Since then, a very strong sense of innovation and pioneering consciousness began dominating Einstein's thinking and action. He said, "I never memorize and reflect what dictionaries and manuals carry, for my brain only memorize those things that are not included in books." It was such a reason that Einstein left his deep sparkling footprints in the history of science.
Carnegie spent almost twenty years left to him giving his wealth away. He believed that those who became rich should return what they did not need to society. He had said that a rich man "dies disgraced" if he does not use the ability he has shown ingathering money to give away his money for the public good during his lifetime.
He began to use his money to build free public libraries. In 1919 it was said that his money had built almost 3,000 libraries, valued altogether at over sixty million dollars. Most of these were in the United States, but some of them were in Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, and even as far as the Fiji Islands.
A gift of four million dollars was made to Carnegie's hometown, Dunfermline, Scotland. It was used to build parks and playgrounds for the people of the town. Pittsburgh, where he made his fortune, was given a music hall, a museum, an art gallery, and a public library.
Andrew Carnegie's public gifts amounted to almost three hundred and thirty million dollars. He gave one million, five hundred thousand dollars to the Peace Palace at the Hague in the Netherlands. After the war began in Europe in 1914, he gave his home, Skibo Castle in Scotland, to the British Government for use as an army hospital.
The name Genghis Khan probably makes many people think of conquering warriors on horseback leaving burning cities and piles of dead bodies behind them. While there is no doubt that Genghis Khan was the leader of a highly efficient killing machine, there was much more to him than military skill. He was also a talented politician with excellent diplomatic abilities.
In the 1160s, the tribes of the Central Asian steppes were almost constantly at war with one another. In the middle of the chaos, one of the tribal leaders had a son named Temujin. When the boy was nine years old, his father was poisoned by enemies. The tribe then abandoned the family, leaving them to survive by eating rats and insects.
Despite his difficult chi1dhood, Temujin grew up strong enough to claim his hereditary position as tribal leader. He became adept at forming alliances, as well as fighting battles. By 1206, all the Mongol tribes were ready to recognize him as supreme leader. They gave him the title Genghis Khan, which means "emperor of all emperors."
Having united the tribes of Central Asia, Genghis Khan turned his attention elsewhere. His ambition was world conquest, and he advanced at an astonishing rate. By the time of his death in 1227, he had created an empire that stretched from the Pacific coast to the Caspian Sea.
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