One time Duke Huan of the state of Qi inspected the stable and asked the officer who was in charge of the stable, "What is the most difficult thing to do in a stable?"
Before the officer had time to reply, prime minister Guan Zhong picked up the topic and answered, "I once kept horse and I know this well.Binding1 the fence is the most difficult thing to do in a stable.
If you use bent ood first, then if the first one is bent, the other ones should also be bent ones.
Even if there is straight one left, it still cannot be used. If you first use a straight wood, then all the other ones must be straight too. Even if there is not enough straight wood, the bent ones cannot be used
There was a daughter-in-law who liked by the old women in the village.
One night, a piece of meat was missing from the daughter-in-law's home, and her mother-in-law suspected that she had stolen it.
So he decided to drive her out to her mother's home. The next morning, the daughter-in-lawbidedfarewell to all the old women in the village, and told them what happened.
After hearing this, all the people were indignant.
One of them went to found some broken hempand made a bundle.
Then she went to the daughter-in-law's home and asked her mothering-law for kindling, "
Last night, a flock of dogs fought each other for a piece of meat that they had found somewhere, one of them died in the fight, so I came to borrow some kindling to cook that dog."
Upon hearing this, the mother-in-law sent people to ask her daughter-in-law back right away.
When seving as prime1 minister under the King Hui of the state of Qin. Zhang Yi had a carbuncle on his back.
He invited the famous doctor Sheng Gou to the state of Qin to cure his carbuncle and said to him, "Now treat my back as your own back.
You can do whatever you think is right to treat my carbuncle."
Sheng Gou had cured the carbuncle of King Xuan before, and was a skilful2 doctor. Hearing what Zhang Yi said, the doctor felt no pressure at all.
So he selected the right medical method according to his experience, and cured Zhang Yi as expected.
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