



  Don't blame me. *blame “把責任歸於……”、“讓人承擔罪責等”。

  It's all your fault! ***都是你的錯!***

  Don't blame me, I'm innocent. ***這可不能怨我,我是清白的。***

  Don't say it's my fault.

  Don't put the blame on me.

  Don't accuse me.這是你的過錯。

  You're to blame.

  You're to blame. ***這是你的過錯。***

  Why me? ***怎麼是我?***

  It's your fault.你站在我的立場上想想。

  Put yourself in my shoes. *直譯是“把你的腳放到我的鞋裡試試?”,即“你站到我的立場上考慮考慮。”

  We will not take your illness into consideration. ***我們沒考慮到你生病。***

  Put yourself in my shoes. ***你們該為我想想。***

  Try to see it from my point of view.

  Try to see it my way.你就不覺得害臊嗎?

  Aren't you ashamed of yourself? *ashamed “做了不好的事感到的羞愧和慚愧”。 be ashamed of… 表示“……覺得害臊”。

  How do you live with yourself?

  You should be ashamed of yourself. ***你該為自己害臊。***我要教訓他一頓。

  I'll give him a piece of my mind. *give…a piece of…'s mind “嚴厲批評、責備……”、“大聲地叱責……”。

  I'll give him a piece of my mind for lying! ***他撒謊了,我會好好說說他的。***

  I don't blame you. ***我不會怪你的。***別把我捲進去。

  Don't involve me!

  I'd like you to lie for me. ***能不能幫我撒一次謊?***

  Please don't involve me! ***請別把我捲進去。***

  I don't want to get involved. ***我不想被捲進去。***我早說過了吧。

  I told you so.

  I got in trouble for lying. ***因為撒謊,我闖禍了。***

  I told you so. You shouldn't lie. ***我早說過吧,你不該撒謊。***

  See, I told you so.

  There now, didn't I tell you?

  You should have listened to me. ***你要聽我的就好了。***你知道的吧?

  You knew that, didn't you?

  My son stopped going to school. ***我兒子沒去上學。***

  You knew that, didn't you? ***你知道這事兒吧?***好像是我做錯了什麼事似的。

  It is as if I had done something wrong. *as if… “好像……似的”。

  It's as if it's my fault.

  It's as if I'm to blame.

  It's like I did something wrong.