During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a skilled archer. One day he drew a big crowd while he was practicing on the drill ground***操場,練兵場*** . He shot so accurately that the on-lookers cheered with excitement. He became very proud of his skill. But among the crowd an old oil peddler***小販*** only nodded his headindifferently***冷淡地*** . This hurt his Pride. "Can you do this?" he asked the old oil peddler.
"No, I can't." "What do you think of my skill?" "Just OK, but nothing special. You've gained your accuracy from persistent practice. That's all." "What can you do, then?" The old man said nothing. He put a gourd bottle on the ground and covered its mouth with a copper coin. He then scooped out a ladle***長柄勺*** of oil from his big jar, held it high and began to fill the bottle. Now, a thread of oil came down from the ladle into the bottle just through the hole of the coin.
Everybody looking on watched with amazement. But the old man said, "This is nothing special, I can do this because I have practiced it a lot." And with these words, he left. Later, people use this phrase to mean "Practice makes perfect".
There is an old saying itl China: Practice makes perfect. Practice is a means and perfect is a goal. Only when you do more practice can you make things perfect. This is true not only in our learning but also in other walks of life. Take the study of English for example. Practice enables us to spell words correctly and master the rules of grammar quickly and practice also makes us hecome fluent in speaking and writing. It is ahnost impossible for a person to speak English fluently and accurately without a lot of practice. Another case in point is cooking. A good cook can prepare a delicious meah But you will not be surprised at his performance if you know how much time he has spent practising. Through practice, he then becomes an expert at cooking. It goes without saying that practice makes perfect. Only through practice can one be good at doing things. Since we have realized the importance of practice, why not put it into practice?
The saying that practice makes perfect means that after you have plenty of practice in what you are doing, you will be perfect in it. He who practices a lot will master the skill more quickly than he who seldom or hardly practices.
For example, when we learn English, we have to learn grammar, words, expressions and so on. The most important thing may be how to put what we have learned into practice. If you only learn the grammar rules by heart and don't do enough exercises, it is certain that you can't understand them perfectly. But if you practice a lot, maybe you will understand them more deeply and you can find some good methods of applying them. Memorizing English words whenever time permits,we can easily memorize them and can even find a way to memorize them more quickly.
There is another example. A famous singer can sing very welt. Of course, his talent is very important, but practice is necessary. It is necessary to practice to make the singer sing better and better.
It is evident that practice is important for everybody. If you want to improve your study and work, you should remember that practice makes perfect.
諺語 熟能生巧 就是說進行大量的練習後,你將會做得完美。比起那些很少或從不練習的人,進行大量練習的人會更快地掌握技能。
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