development trend
trend of development
trend in development
The characteristics of Chinese urbanization could be summed up according to the process, speed, level, law, scale and tendency of its development.
The paper introduces the current situation and development trend, as well as basic principles and development course of ABS.
This paper introduces the coming being of the hybrid vehicle, the situation and developing trend of the hybrid technology, especially the power devices.
Furthermore, the intellectualized decision of the weights between the status and its factors was solved, and the actual dynamic assessment was realized.
Promoting investment abroad is the objective requirement of economic globalization and the consequence of years of rapid economic development and increased economic power in China.
Finally, this lesson also discusses about the developing trends of EV and the whole traffic system, by combining the anthropologic theory and some other theories.
Finally, this lesson also discusses about the developing trends of EV and the whole traffic system, by combining the anthropologic theory and some other theories.
Secondly, research on the development process and trend of real estate development enterprise has been done, and the management control problems in the development process are pointed out.
It is indicated that human-computer interface control technique must be adopted in the future advanced driller house, therefore the driller house will be more intelligent.
Therefore, it is of great importance to analyze the character of China's Middle Class, their consuming behavior on Real Estate and the impact of their future development on the Real Estate market.
“Given the developing trends, we moved up the time frame for demand recovery, ” he said.
The market report should include the trend of the development of the market ,upward or downward.
What’s more, we are expanding our engineering group and superior lifetimecombined with competitive prices are still the most important trends of powertools.
Another of the big trends in food is trust, because there has been a massivebreakdown.
And it wants to find out what kinds of websites people all over the world arelooking at; what websites exist; and how internet trends differ from country tocountry and region to region.
Intelligence experts say the trends are favourable but point to the IRA maxim that"you only need to get lucky once".
With trends like this, the Age of the Internet could usher in an era ofunprecedented citizen enlightenment.
看完以後,我感到無比的驚愕, 不禁為我們這個社會的某種變態發展趨勢感到憂心.
After watching this video, I felt stunningly shocked and considerably worried aboutcertain abnormal developmental trend of our society.
What's most interesting aren't the trends themselves, but the sheer magnitude ofthem.
The secret of his success was figuring out how to turn these developments and the fears they revealed into a political agenda.
The goal was based on the trend observed up until then, but no one could havepredicted the massive increase of HIV, particularly in southern Africa.
V:Yes, this is really an encouraging trend since the economic environment ingeneral is changing.
They often provide members with the latest industry news, trends and research as well as training and education.
我們一直努力保持在技術的最前沿,並且根據業界的發展趨勢和使用者需要制定計劃,所以,如果你需要什麼功能的話 - 告訴我們吧!
We are trying to be on the cutting edge and we adopt our plans depending on the trends and users needs, so if you want something done — just let us know!
There's some excitement too for the public annually now in Shanghai with a seriesof red carpet events and gala parties, to go with seminars focussing on trends inChinese filmmaking.
We need to continue to monitor the evolution of the situation to get the specificinformation and data we need to answer this question.
The principle of legality in our country finally established criminal legislation in line with the modern society and the criminal justice trends.
The way to stop this and have everybody working, is to continue the historicaltrend; is to distribute the available work between all persons that want to work.
The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a welcome development.
The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a welcome development.
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