
  Say It Right這首英文歌聽起來相當的動感,練名字都帶有動感的味道。下面是小編給大家整理的動感的英文歌,供大家參閱!

  動感的英文歌Say It Right簡介

  在創作歌曲的過程中,美國音樂製作人Timbaland和徒弟Danja共同編寫這首歌曲的歌詞,後者負責鍵盤樂器以及輔助Timbaland製作音樂,凱文·魯道夫負責彈奏吉他,Jim Beanz擔任背景歌手。同時,為了找出能夠適應妮莉·費塔朵歌聲音域的曲子,Timbaland和Danja對這首歌的譜曲做了許多修改和試驗。

  動感的英文歌Say It Right歌手介紹

  妮莉·費塔朵出生於英屬哥倫比亞維多利亞的一個葡萄牙移民家庭,雙親各為Maria Manuela與António José Furtado。她的名字是來自於蘇聯的體操選手Nellie Kim。 妮莉在四歲時在教堂的葡萄牙日上首次與媽媽共同獻唱。Although remaining unclear about her religious beliefs, she still affirms a belief in God, the Ten Commandments, and in avoiding the Seven Sins. 9歲起逐漸開始接觸伸縮喇叭、四絃琴,幾年後也開始學習吉他與鋼琴。12歲起,她開始寫歌,且開始在葡萄牙遊行樂隊中演奏。

  Furtado has acknowledged her family as the source of her strong work ethic; she spent eight summers working as a chambermaid with her mother, who was a housekeeper in Victoria. She has stated that coming from a working class background has shaped her identity in a positive way.

  與妮莉首次合作的音樂家是Rapper與DJ。高中二年級時在多倫多遇到了嘻哈團體Crazy Cheese的團員Tallis Newkirk,她在他們的專輯"Join the Ranks"中擔任"Waitin' 4 the Streets"的主唱。 1996年從高中畢業後,她搬到了多倫多,並與Newkirk組成了一個Trip-hop團體Nelstar。最終,她認為Trip hop的曲風有過多種族隔離的意味,她也認為這樣的曲風不能代表她的個性,更無法突顯她的歌唱實力。 因此,她離開了這個團體回到了家鄉。

  動感的英文歌Say It Right歌詞

  In the day

  In the night

  Say it right

  Say it all

  You either got it

  Or you don't

  You either stand or you fall

  When your will is broken

  When it slips from your hand

  When there's no time for joking

  There's a hole in the plan


  Oh you don't mean nothing at all to me

  No you don't mean nothing at all to me

  But you got what it takes to set me free

  Oh you could mean everything to me

  I can't say that, I'm not lost and at fault

  I can't say that, I don't love the light and the dark

  I can't say that, I don't know that I am alive

  And all of what I feel I could show

  You tonight you tonight


  From my hands, I could give you

  Something that I made

  From my mouth, I could sing you another brick that I laid

  From my body, I could show you a place God knows

  You should know the space is holy

  Do you really want to go?

