


  1. then and now過去和現在

  2. six years ago六年前

  3. do many things做很多事

  4. write letters to his friends = write to his friends寫信給他的朋友

  5. in the office在辦公室裡

  6. use the telephone使用電話

  7. call people打電話給人們

  8. a mobile phone一部手機

  9. call people anywhere隨處打電話給人們

  10. write/send an email寫/發一封***

  11. listen to the radio聽收音機

  12. watch news on the Internet在網上看新聞

  13. read e-books看電子書

  14. make friends with sb. 與某人交朋友

  15. e-friends from all over the world來自世界各地的網友

  16. do shopping = do the shopping = do some shopping = go shopping購物

  17. work hard努力工作

  18. invent the aeroplane發明飛機

  19. an American man一位美國男士

  20. a British girl一個英國女孩

  21. have an English lesson上一節英語課

  22. look out of the window朝窗外看

  23. listen to me聽我說

  24. go on繼續

  25. spell the new words拼寫新單詞

  26. get angry = be angry生氣的

  27. make a sentence with …用…來造句

  28. wait for the answer等待答案

  29. a photo of yourself一張你自己的照片

  30. just now剛才

  31. a moment ago一會兒以前

  32. read newspapers for news看報紙上的新聞

  33. buy things from shops從商店買東西

  34. use …to… 用…做…

  35.read and draw 讀和畫

  36.do shopping on the Internet 在網上購物

  37.surf the Internet 網上衝浪

  38.buy me a mobile phone/buy a mobile for me 給我買手機

  39.use the phone to call you 用電話打給你

  38.like making friends 喜歡交朋友。


  1. What day is today? = What day is it today? = What’s the day today?


  2. Six years ago, Mike could read and draw, but he could not write.

  Now he can do many things.


  3.He wrote letters a week ago.一週前他寫了信。

  4.They listened to the radio for news ,yesterday.


  5.The man can call people anywhere.這個男人可以在任何地方打電話給人們。

  6. My brother could not draw before. 我的弟弟以前不會畫畫。

  7. My sister is writing a letter to her friend. 我的妹妹正在給她的朋友寫信。



  標誌詞:yesterday, last

  Eg: I went to Eric’s party last week.

  助動詞: did

  Eg: Did you go to school yesterday morning?

  Be動詞:was, were

  Eg: Was the dog here just now?


  1. +ed ***一般動詞的過去式直接在動詞後面加上ed 即可***

  2. +d ***以e結尾動詞,過去式直接加上d即可***

  3. 去y + ied ***以y結尾, 並且y旁邊沒有母音字母的動詞,把y變成i, 再加上ed***

  4. 動詞的不規則變形 ***以下為常用動詞的不規則變形,要牢記這些動詞哦!***
