From Australia’s bubblegum-pink lake to a blood-red waterfall in Antarctica, these seven destinations are some of the world’s strangest sights.
Majestic mountains and sparkling seas always attract travellers – but sometimes nature has a bigger trick up her sleeve. To track down some of the world’s strangest sights, we turned to question-and-answer site Quora, asking: What are some of the best rare natural phenomena that occur on Earth?
From Australia’s bubblegum-pink lake and a blood-red waterfall in Antarctica to a secret beach-in-a-hole in Mexico and a US valley where stones eerily move, these seven spots are Mother Nature’s eyeball-popping sideshow.
Frozen methane bubbles, Canada
They look otherworldly, like flying saucers that dropped into the water and froze, or ancient, ice-encapsulated jellyfish. In fact, these icy circles are frozen methane bubbles – pockets of gas that, when trapped underwater and frozen, form a spectacular landscape.
Found in winter in high northern latitude lakes like Lake Abraham in Alberta, Canada, these gas bubbles are created when dead leaves, grass and animals fall into the water, sink and are eaten by bacteria that excrete methane. The gas is released as bubbles that transform into tens of thousands of icy white disks when they come into contact with frozen water, Quora user Mayur Kanaiya explains.
It’s a stunning, but potentially dangerous sight. This potent greenhouse gas not only warms the planet, but also is highly flammable. Come spring, when the ice melts, the methane bubbles pop and fizz in a spectacular release – but if anyone happens to light a match nearby, the masses of methane will ignite into a giant explosion.
Curious travellers can see these gassy hiccups in lakes across Canada’s Banff National Park, or in the Arctic Ocean off Siberia, where researchers have found gargantuan gas bubbles as large as 900m across.
tin soldiers, toy soldiers 小錫兵
trainset 小火車
skip 打水漂兒
catapult 彈弓 ***美作:slingshot***
cops and robbers 警察與小偷
popgun 玩具槍
doll 娃娃
doll's house 小家家
to skip 跳繩
skipping rope 跳繩用繩子
ball 球
tag 捉人遊戲
hide and seek 藏貓貓
hopscotch 跳房子
hoop 鐵環
stilts 高蹺
spinning top 抽陀螺
kite 風箏
plasticene, plasticine 橡皮泥
meccano 組合玩具,裝配玩具
aeromodelling 航模
scooter 速可達,單腳滑行車
swing 鞦韆
slide 滑梯
sledge 雪撬 ***美作:sled***
snowball 雪球
snowman 雪人
yo-yo 約約
diabolo 空竹
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