The only present love demands is love.
The heart that once truly loves never forgets.
Love warms more than a thousand fires.
Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.
Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful.
Love understands love; it needs no talk.
Love me little and love me long.
First impression of you is most lasting.
When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms.
Tell me you are mine. I'll be yours through all the years, till the end of time.
Love is a fire which burns unseen.
I feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away.
You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too.
But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end.
1、Not sad, please do not install the ending.
2、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
3、Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
4、I love you not for whom you are, but who I am when I 'm by your side.
5、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
6、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
7、If at the outset I brave, ending is different.
8、A person live in love, why reduced.
9、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
10、Atrue friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
11、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
12、Go back to the past, can return.
13、No amount of damage I don't care, wiped away tears tell yourself prohibit to cry.
14、Men alleged oath, but is a beautiful lies just.
15、I didn't miss only tube would I want to TianYa want to cape.
16、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
17、I suddenly feel myself like a doll,acting all kinds of joys and sorrows.There are lots of shining siliery thread on my back,controlling all my action.
我突然就覺得自己像個華麗的木偶,演盡了所有的悲歡離合,可是背上總是有無數閃亮的銀色絲線,操縱 我的哪怕一舉手一投足。
18、In love's bumpy road, we'd better not say love.
19、Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you tryand know someone else and expect them to know you.
20、Often by those I ignore, only in lost just know that is the most precious.
21、Need not be anyone understood, more don't like anyone to explain themselves.
Why to ask so much when you are in love? If you ask too much, maybe you no longer love. The mature never ask the past, the wise never ask the present and the open-minded never ask the future. 愛,有何必多問?問得太多,只怕就不愛了。成熟的人不問過去;聰明的人不問現在;豁達的人不問未來。
When keeping the ambiguity with you ,I fear I will fall in love with you, and I fear I will cry after your leaving. 與你保持著一種暖昧的關係,怕自己會愛上你,怕你離開後,我會流淚。
When alive ,we may probably offend some people.However, we must think about whether they are deserved offended. 人活著總是要得罪一些人的 就要看那些人是否值得得罪。
U r so lucky, coz u can choose to love me or not, but myself only have to choose from loving u or loving u more.你是幸運的,因為你可以選擇愛我或不愛我,而我只能選擇愛你還是更愛你。
There are no trails of the wings in the sky, while the birds has flied away. 天空沒有翅膀的痕跡,而鳥兒已飛過 。
The one you love also loves you. This is a miracle. And the god names this as falling in love with each other.自己愛的人同時也愛著自己,這簡直是一種奇蹟,神明為這種奇蹟取了一個名字,叫作戀愛。
The most easily broken thing in the world is the man’s wine glass, politician’s promise, girls’ dream, steel wire-like love, the virtuousof modern society and the holy heart.這個世界最易碎的就是男人的酒杯,政客的承諾,少女的夢想,鋼絲上的愛情,現代社會的善良和高貴的心。
The heart of woman is a glass holding water. It is full but seems to have nothing inside.女人心是隻盛水的玻璃瓶,明明已經裝的滿滿的,卻又好像什麼都沒有。
Sometimes u need to look back, otherwise u will never know what u have lost in the way of forever searching.偶爾要回頭看看,否則永遠都在追尋,而不知道自己失去了什麼。
Never expect the perfect man, it’s not because qqwangming5.org that u cannot find, but just becoz there is no perfect man. 在這世界上無所謂偶然,只是偽裝成偶然的必然。
Need not be anyone understood, more don’t like anyone to explain themselves.不需要被任何人理解,更不想跟任何人解釋自己。
My hours are slumberless 我的時間在沉睡。
Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.在你嘗試瞭解他人和盼望他人瞭解你之前,先把你變成一個更好的人和了解自己的人。
Life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.生命是一束純淨的火焰,我們依靠自己內心看不見的太陽而存在。
In this world, there is no accident, but some certainty that pretends to be accident.在這世界上無所謂偶然,只是偽裝成偶然的必然。
If you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.離開我就別安慰我,要知道每一次縫補也會遭遇穿刺的痛。
I believe in the fairy story u wrote for me, and myself becomes the faint flower in the story. 我相信了你編寫的童話,自己就成了童話中幽藍的花。
I am looking for the missing glass-shoes who has picked it up 誰撿走了我的玻璃鞋,尋找遺失的玻璃鞋。
You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don’t kveth for it if it doesn’t appear in your life. 命裡哊時終須有 命裡無時莫強求
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