They're still kids, and although there's a lot thatthe experts don't yet know about them, one thingthey do agree on is that what kids use and expectfrom their world has changed rapidly. And it's allbecause of technology.
To the psychologists, sociologists, and generational and media experts who study them,their digital gear sets this new group apart, even from their tech-savvy ***懂技術的*** Millennialelders. They want to be constantly connected and available in a way even their older siblingsdon't quite get. These differences may appear slight, but they signal an all-encompassingsensibility that some say marks the dawning of a new generation.
The contrast between Millennials and this younger group was so evident to psychologistLarry Rosen of California State University that he has declared the birth of a new generation in anew book, Rewired: Understanding the ingeneration and the Way They Learn, out next month.Rosen says the tech-dominated life experience of those born since the early 1990s is sodifferent from the Millennials he wrote about in his 2007 book, Me, MySpace and I: Parenting theNet Generation, that they warrant the distinction of a new generation, which he has dubbedthe "ingeneration".
"The technology is the easiest way to see it, but it's also a mind-set, and the mind-set goeswith the little ‘i', which I'm talking to stand for 'individualized'," Rosen says. "Everything isdefined and individualized to ‘me'. My music choices are defined to ' me'. What I watch onTV any instant is defined to ‘me'. " He says the iGeneration includes today's teens and middle-school ers, but it's too soon to tell about elementary-school ages and younger.
Rosen says the iGeneration believes anything is possible. "If they can think of it, somebodyprobably has or will invent it," he says. "They expect innovation."
They have high expectations that whatever they want or can use "will be able to be tailoredto their own needs and wishes and desires."
Rosen says portability is key. They are inseparable from their wireless devices, which allowthem to text as well as talk, so they can be constantly connected-even in class, where cellphones are supposedly banned.
Many researchers are trying t6 determine whether technology somehow causes the brainsof young people to be wired differently. "They should be distracted and should perform morepoorly than they do," Rosen says. "But findings show teens survive distractions much betterthan we would predict by their age and their brain development. "
Because these kids are more immersed and at younger ages, Rosen says, the educationalsystem has to change significantly.
"The growth curve on the use of technology with children is exponential***指數的***, and werun the risk of being out of step with this generation as far as how they learn and how theythink," Rosen says.
"We have to give them options because they want their world individualized. "
56. Compared with their Millennial elders, the iGeneration kids
Amunicate with others by high-tech methods continually
B.prefer to live a virtual life than a real one
C.are equipped with more modem digital techniques
D.know more on technology than their elders
57. Why did Larry Rosen name the new generation as iGeneration?
A.Because this generation is featured by the use of personal high-tech devices.
B.Because this generation stresses on an individualized style of life.
C.Because it is the author himself who has discovered the new generation.
D.Because it's a mind-set generation instead of an age-set one.
58. Which of the following is true about the iGeneration according to Rosen?
A.This generation is crazy about inventing and creating new things.
B.Everything must be adapted to the peculiar need of the generation.
C.This generation catches up with the development of technology.
D.High-tech such as wireless devices goes with the generation.
59. Rosen's findings suggest that technology
A.has an obvious effect on the function of iGeneration's brain development
B.has greatly affected the iGeneration's behaviors and academic performance
C.has no significantly negative effect on iGeneration's mental and intellectualdevelopment
D.has caused distraction problems on iGeneration which affect their daily performance
60. According to the passage, education has to __
A.adapt its system to the need of the new generation
B.use more technologies to cater for the iGeneration
C.risk its system to certain extent for the iGeneration
D.be conducted online for iGeneration's individualized need
56.A***。定位:根據題幹中的Millennial elders和theiGeneration kids定位到原文第二段第二句:They"want tobe constantly connected and available in a wayeven their older siblings don't quite get.
詳解:推理判斷題。本題考查“自我的一代” “千禧年一代”的區別。由定位句可知,“自我的一代”與他們的千禧年一代的哥哥姐姐們相比,更願意持續不斷地與他人保持聯絡,也希望隨時能讓別人找得到他們。由此可推斷,他們願意通過高科技手段與他人隨時保持聯絡,因此A***是本題答案。B***“寧願生活在虛擬世界.而非現實世界中”、C***“擁有更加先進的數字技術”和D***“比大些的孩子們懂得更多技術方面的知識”原文均未提及,故排除。
57.B***。定位:根據題幹中的Larry Rosen定位到原文第四段第一、二句:“‰technology is theeasiest way to see it。but it's also a mind-set,and the mind-set goes with the little’s,whichI'm taking to stand for ‘individuslized’.”Rosen says.“Everything is defined and individualizedt0‘me’”
詳解:事實細節題。本題考查羅森將新的一代命名為“自我的一代”的原因。該段前兩句引述拉里羅森介紹“自我的一代”的話,點明瞭這代人的特點,即高科技是這代人的典型特徵,它也是種心態,這種心態隨 “小我”而變化,即“個性化”也是鮮明特點,表現為每件事都為“我”而定製,或每件事都被賦予個性化特徵。 由此可見,這代人強調個性化的生活,因此B***是本題答案。A***“這代人的特點是使用個性化高科技產品”、 c***‘‘這代人是作者自己發現的”和D***“這是以心態而定而不是以時代而定的一代人”均是對原文的曲解,故排除。
58.D***。定位:根據題幹中的iGeneration定位到原文第七段:Rosen says portability is key Theyare inseparable from their wireless devices,which allow them to text as well as talk,SO they can be constantly connected…
59.C***。E定位:根據題幹中的Rosen's findings定位到原文第八段第二、三句:“They should bedistracted and should perform more poorly than they d0,”Rosen says.But findings showteens survive distractions much better than we would predict by their age and their braindevelovment.”
60.A***。定位:根據題幹中的education定位到原文第九段:Because these kids are moreimmersed and at younger ages,Rosen says,the educational system has to changesignificantly.
詳解:推理判斷題。由該段可知,由於這代孩子在年幼時便深浸於科技之中,那麼教育制度也要隨之進行 顯著改變。由此可推斷,教育制度也應適應這代人,因此A***是本題答案。B***“使用更多的科技手段來迎合這 代人”是對原文的曲解,故排除;C***“教育制度應在某種程度上為這代人做出冒險”表述含糊,故排除;D***“應 以網上線上進行的方式來滿足這代人的個性化需要”是對原文的曲解,故排除。
Small increases in temperature found to add power to storms in the Atlantic.
Hurricanes that form in the Atlantic Ocean are expected to gain considerable strength asthe global temperature continues to rise, a new study has found.
Using modeling data focused on the conditions in which hurricanes form, a group ofinternational researchers based at Beijing Normal University found that for every 1.8°F *** 1℃ ***rise of the Earth's temperature, the number of hurricanes in the Atlantic that are as strong orstronger than Hurricane Katrina will increase twofold to sevenfold.
Hurricane strength is directly related to the heat of the water where the storm forms. Morewater vapor in the air from evaporating ocean water adds fuel to hurricanes that build strengthand head toward land.
Hurricane Katrina is widely considered the measure for a destructive storm, holding themaximum Category 5 designation for a full 24 hours in late August 2005. It lost strength as itpassed over the Florida peninsula, but gained destructive power fight before colliding withNew Orleans, killing more than 200 people and causing $ 80 billion in damage.
The study points to a gradual increase of Katrina-like events. The warming experiencedover the 20th century doubled the number of such debilitating***將人類摧垮的***storms. But theongoing warming of the planet into the 21st century could increase the frequency of theworst kinds of storms by 700 percent, threatening coastlines along the Atlantic Ocean withmuitiple Category 5 storms every year.
"Our results support the idea that changes in regional sea surface temperatures is theprimary cause of hurricane variability," said Aslak Girnstead, a researcher with the Center forIce and Climate at the University of Copenhagen. The large impact of small sea-surfacetemperature increases was more than Girustead and his colleagues had anticipated. Theentire study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Global temperatures have steadily increased, making the past decade the warmest onrecord. Earlier this year, climate researchers reported that the Earth's temperatures have risenfaster in the last century than at any point since the last ice age, 11,300 years ago. Theprimary cause, a couseusus of scientists has said, is the rising emissions of greenhousegases like carbon dioxide and methane.
Past hurricanes have supported the study's finding that global temperature rise is linkedto more destructive storms. According to the National Center for Atmospheric Research, whilethe frequency of storms doesn't appear to have increased, the percentage of strong ones hasrisen sharply over the past few decades. The trend may be similar further back in time, butcomprehensive hurricane data doesn't exist.
61. According to the team of international researchers based at Beijing Normal University,the rise of the Earth's temperature is likely to cause
A.the coming of ice age
C.more Katrina-like or worse hurricanes
B.less intense hurricanes
D.more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
62. The ocean water in the region where the storm forms
A.is heating the hurricanes
B.evaporates and becomes fuel
C.heads toward land
D.turns into water vapor that makes hurricanes stronger
63. Which of the following statement is TRUE about Hurricane Katrina?
A.It did not lose its strength as it moved.
B.It claimed over 200 people's lives.
C.It caused 80 billion dollars loss for Florida peninsula.
D.It lasted for full 24 hours.
64. What result can regional sea surface temperature changes produce?
A.Hurricane changes.
C.Global warming.
B.Increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
D.Destructive hurricanes.
65. It can be inferred from the passage that
A.there is no link between greenhouse gas emissions and destructive storms
B.reduction of greenhouse gas emissions may reduce destructive storms
C.the higher percentage of strong ones rose as more hurricanes appeared
D.past records on hurricanes included everything needed
61.C***。定位:由題幹中的Beijing Normal University和the Earth’s temperature定位到第三段....for every 1.8T***1℃***rise of the Earth’s temperature,the number of hurricanes in theAtlantic that are as strong or stronger than Hurricane Katrina will increase twofold tosevenfold.
詳解:事實細節題。本題考查地球溫度上升帶來的變化。定位句提到“地球溫度每上升l.8華氏度***1攝 氏度***,那麼大西洋中強度可匹敵甚至勝過卡特里娜颶風的颶風數量會增加兩倍乃至七倍”,故C***“更多像卡 特里娜那樣或是更糟糕的颶風”為答案。A***“冰川期到來”原文中未提及,故排除;B***“越來越少的強度颶風” 與原文不符,故排除;D***“大氣層中更多的溫室氣體”原文中未提及,故排除。
62.D***。 E—瞳由題幹中的ocean water定位到第四段第二句:More water vapor in the air fromevaporating ocean water adds fuel to hurricanes--also called cyclones and typhoons in differentparts of the world— that build strength and head toward land.
詳解:瞳事實細節題。本題考查對颶風形成的區域中海水情況的理解。定位句提到“從海洋中蒸發到空氣中的水分越多,那麼颶風的威力就越強,然後會直撲陸地”,故D***“蒸發成水蒸氣,使得風暴威力增強”為答案。A***“加熱颶風”原文中未提及,故排除;B***“蒸發後變成燃料”是對“add fuel”的錯誤理解,故排除;C***“直奔陸地”,原文說的是颶風而不是海水,故排除。
68.B***。定位:由題幹中的Hurricane Katrina定位到第五段:Hurricane Katrina is widelyconsidered the measure
for a destructive storm.…king more than 200 people and causing $80 billion in damage.
詳解:事實細節題。本題考查颶風卡特里娜的細節。定位句提到“卡特里娜颶風在抵達新奧爾良州之前 威力大增,其巨大的破壞力致使200餘人喪生,並造成了800億美元的經濟損失”,故答案為B***。A***“在移動過程中沒有減弱”,定位句提及在經過佛羅里達州時有所減弱,故排除;C***“颶風給佛羅里達州造成800億美元的損失”與文意不符,故排除;D***“持續24小時”,定位句是指以最強姿態持續24小時,而非僅僅持續24小時,故排除。
64.A***。定位:由題幹regional sea surface temperature changes定位到第七段第二句:……changes in regional sea surface temperatures is the primary cause of hunicane variability.
詳解:推理判斷題。由倒數第二段最後一句和最後一段的第一句可知,全球變暖是由溫室氣體大量排放引起的,而全球變暖和破壞性風暴頻率變高之間存在聯絡,由此可推知,減少溫室氣體排放,或可緩解全球變暖的趨勢,從而減少破壞性風暴的發生頻率,故答案為B***。A***“溫室氣體和破壞性風暴之間不存在聯絡”是對文意的曲解,故排除;C***“隨著更多颶風的出現,強度大的颶風所佔比例升高”,由最後一段第二句可知,颶風發生頻率與強度大的颶風的比例無明顯關聯,故排除;D***“過去關於颶風的記錄包含所有所需資訊”與最後 一段最後一句提到的“沒有全面詳細的資料”相矛盾,故排除。
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