Nowadays, it seems that everyone is looking things up on the Internet before trying them. In years past, people simply tried out a new restaurant in order to find out if they liked it or not. Nowadays, however, more and more people look for a local restaurant review before trying out a new place in town, and the information that they find can make the difference in whether or not they choose to try a different restaurant.
I am a student of our school.I,d like to say something about the canteen service in our school. There are 3 advantages of canteen service in our school.First,our canteen is very clean,Second,the food is delicious,Third,the attitude of service is good. But it also has some disadvantages . Such as the price of the food is high, few variety to choose from,too long waiting time for buying food. In my opinion,we can invite our student to take part in the canteen for offering the help.We may let the student list the food they like to let the canteen to make it. I hope more and more student will like our canteen service
Hi,fellow food enthusiast,I have a good restuarant to introduce to you.This restuarant is called the Mao Kitchen.It is located at the West Street.The setting in the restuarant is cosy.The food is good and the price is reasonable.The services is excellent and the parking is easily available.If you do not know how to order for the food,always ask for the chef's recomendations.The chef's recomendation changes everyday.
Believe me,go and have a good meal there.Enjoy!
Today I would like to introduce my favourite restaurant to you,which is called baihualin and is located near my college JiangNan University. If you ever go, you will always want to eat there. It’s attractive to us students for two reasons.
First of all, it’s decorated in an unique way which looks so nonmainstream and special. The shape of the lamps in the restaurant look like bottles which emit yellow lights and when your eyes adjust to that, you will find some interesting pictures and notes written by students on the wall. And of course you can do the same thing. Here are Various magazines waiting for you to browse through. Due to this decorating style,this restaurant are really make romantic and quiet atmosphere which attracts lovers and students who wants to chart with friends.
Secondly, the food is really yummy, I love steamed pork with rice flour***fenzhengrou*** best, and fish cooked by different ways. Food cooked there is so delicate and looks delicious which is different from restaurants near seu in jiulonghu. Every time my friends and parents came to see me, I will take them there to eat. More than one year ago, my class held the graduate dinner there, though we destroyed the quiet environment, that’s a precious recollections.
I like the restaurant and recommand all of you to take a chance when it is possible. Because I'm sure that it won't leave you regreted.
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