Listen to Your Inner Voice
Very much, ever since you were brought into this world. When you couldn't open your mouth till the first two years on planet earth, inner voice is one through which you interpreted and understood things.
Inner voice is the voice mouth of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is always acting as a secondary reflector of thoughts and ideas in the body. It justifies and rationalizes what is right and what is wrong. When we go against what the inner voice says we get guilty conscious and are bothered by it throughout our lives.
At times when we are feeling low or those unforgettable moments when we are let down, we seem to need some kind of emotional or mental support. We usually speak to our closest pal or our dearest family member during times of distress to ease the burden. At such times we get over the initial drizzle of emotional anxiety and mental restlessness, because of the pepping up by our empathic listener. We suddenly feel rejuvenated because our inner voice alerts us to get on with things and leave the things of past on the memory books of our brain.
The inner voice is always right most of the times because it knows us better than others and probably even ourselves. It is the dare devil child of the intuitions which we have been having since childhood. It's good to go by intuitions most the times because it's the response provided due to the synchronism between our mental and physical being.
Whenever you are trying your first cigarette, or whenever you are asked to take sides in an argument, you are always in a sense of dilemma. During these times your inner voice automatically gives its verdict, which when overwritten, might leave us unhappy in the future. It's up to us to either ignore the morale booster inside us or go out to the world and search for spiritual guru's and happiness, when all these things are very much present within us.
Confidence Is Built,not Inborn
Confidence plays a very important role in people's life. It gives people light when they are in dark and encouragement when they are dismayed. It is the first step on the road to success. People who exude confidence seem to grab more rewarding careers, maintain better relationships, and may make miracles in the face of insurmountable difficulties.
So what is the secret of confidence? In fact, there is no secret. Self-confidence is a skill and habit that everyone can learn to develop. It is built, not inborn.
You can try these simple tips for practicing and increasing our confidence levels:
First, dare to fail. Anybody who's out there genuinely striving is going to fail repeatedly.If you are not failing, you are not trying. Only when we face up to our difficulties, can we build up our confidence and give ourselves a chance of success.
Second, dress your success. You don't have to be beautiful to be confident. Make the most of your won unique physical assets and downplay your flaws so that you know you're giving out your best image.
Third, listen to yourself; do not despise yourself. You are the only person who knows what is right for yourself. Don't put others' opinion above our own inner voice.
Last, build a confidence vocabulary. Stop putting yourself down, and quit incessantly confessing your tiny flaws. Learn to highlight your positive attributes and the world will learn to see and appreciate them too.
Confidence is a plant that grows slowly. We should build confidence through constant and patient effort. Only when we have enough confidence in ourselves, can we take the first step on the road to success.
Napoleon declared, "Victory belongs to the most persevering." Upon careful study we find preseverance
depends upon three things-purpose, will, and enthusiasm. He who has a purpose is always concentrating his forces. By the will, the hope and the plan are prevented from evaporate into dreams. Enthusiasm keeps the interest up, and makes the obstacles seem small.
Life is in a sense a battle. The man who thinks to get on by mere smartness and by idling meets failure at last. Perseverance is the master impulse of the firmest souls, and holds the key to those treasure-houses of knowledge from which the world has drawn its wealth both of wisdom and of moral worth.
Great men never wait for opportunities; they make them. They seize upon what ever is at hand, work out their problem, and master the situation. The greatest thing a man can do in this world is to make the most possible out of the stuff that has been given to him. This is success and there is no other.
One of the important lessons of life is to learn how to get victory out of defeat. It takes courage and stamina, when mortified by humiliating disaster, to seek in the ruins the elements of future conquest. Yet this measures the difference between those who succeed and those who fail.We cannot measure a man by his failures. We must know what use he makes of them. The man who has not fought his way upward and does not bear the scar of desperate conflict does not know the highest meaning of success.
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