Philip, I wanna tell you a story. And like all good stories, it starts like this:
Once upon a time, there was a father, and in case you can’t figure that out, that’s me. This father had a wonderful little boy. He was very happy.
Then one day, he found out that his wife was going to have another baby. So I prayed, “Lord, if it’s Your Will, make her a little girl.” And He did. I was the first person to hold her in my arms.
And I looked at her, and I said, “Lord, make her like her mother.” And He did. She was loving, giving, so good and so kind.
But then I realized I was getting left out. So I said, “Lord, make her like me.” And He did. She could drive a truck and a tractor. She could load hay and chew tobacco. Do you realize what you’re getting?
But at the same time, she was opinionated, emotional and hard-headed. So I said, “Lord, that’s enough of that! Make her like You.” And He did. He gave her the desire to serve people. She loves people. She gave her life to being a nurse. She’s brought people back from the dead. And she’s held the hand of people who have breathed their last breath. He gave her a heart for missions, and she’s trekked all over the world. Pushed canoes up swollen rivers, laid on the floor while bullets whizzed outside so she could tell people about Jesus.
But still something was missing, so I said, “Lord, make her happy.” And she met you. Did you see that look on her face? I never saw that until she met you. And I’m grateful for that. Today I’m giving you the best thing I have to give.
I just want you to know before I do that, how hard me and God has worked to get her ready. So Philip, as I give her to you, I don’t think you’ll mind if I give you one more word of advice. Me and God’s worked hard. Don’t screw it up!
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