


  ⒈ 許多專家認為,到2020年,印度人口可能會比中國人口多。

  Many experts think that India's ___________ may be ________ than China's by 2020.

  ⒉ 今天該輪到你值日了。

  It's your _______ to be on ______ today.

  ⒊ 那邊出了什麼事?那麼多人擠在大門口。

  What's ___________ over there? So many people are __________ round the gate.

  ⒋ 出門的時候別忘了鎖門。

  Don't forget to _____ the door when you _____ home.

  ⒌ 別插隊,否則別人會生你的氣。

  Don't be a ________ ___________ , or the others will get angry with you.


  I.從 B 欄中找出能夠回答 A 欄問題的答句。


  ******⒈ I fell and hurt my leg just now.

  ******⒉ What are you going to be when you grow up?

  ******⒊ What does a woolen sweater cost?

  ******⒋ What's your mother's job?

  ******⒌ How far is it from your home to our school?


  A. I'd like to be a teacher like my father.

  B. About half an hour's walk.

  C. About 200 yuan.

  D. I'm sorry to hear that.

  E. She's an office worker


  Paul is a kind-hearted farmer. He is riding on his horse. He is going to the market. He meets an old man on the road. The man is carrying a big bag. It is _____ of things. Paul wants to help him.

  Paul:Good morning, ______.

  Man:Good morning, young man.

  Paul:________ are you going?

  Man:I'm going to the market.

  Paul:Do you want a ride?

  Man:______ , I'm tired.

  Paul:May I help you get on the horse?

  Man:Yes, please. Do you want to get on the horse, _____?

  Paul:Yes, I do.

  Man:Can your horse ________ us and my bag?

  Paul:No, I don't think so.

  Man:Can you ________, young man?

  Paul:Of __________, I can.

  Man:Let's go. It's very _______ of you, young man.

  Paul:It's a ____________ .



  population, larger, turn, duty, happened, crowding, lock, leave, queue jumper


  DACEB full, sir, Where, Sure / Certainly, too, carry, walk, course, kind / nice, pleasure



  1. 你最好現在去看醫生。

  ________ ________ see a doctor right now.

  2. 電視機和錄影機都壞了。

  ________ the TV ________ the video works.

  3. 有一些方法可以讓你不輕易動怒。

  There’re some ways to ________ you ________ getting angry easily.

  4. 讓我幫你提那些行李吧。

  ________ me ________ you with those bags.

  5. 鮑勃給我買了一本書作為生日禮物。

  Bob ________ a book ________ me as a birthday present.

  6. 別擔心,事情很快就會好起來的。

  Don’t worry. Things will ________ ________ soon.

  7. 這輛車出了什麼故障?它發動不起來了。

  ________ ________ ________ the car? It won’t start.

  8. 青蛙在陸地上和水中都能生活。

  Frogs can live ________ ________ ________ and in water.

  9. 這個海濱適於游泳而不適於衝浪。

  This beach is ________ ________ swimming but ________ ________ surfing.

  10. 你每天做作業花多少時間?

  How much time do you ________ ________ your homework?

  11. 能儘快給我回電話嗎?

  Will you please ________ ________ ________ soon?

  12. 我們星期天洗車怎麼樣?

  ________ ________ washing the car on Sunday?

  13. 在交通高峰期,開車不如騎自行車快。

  Driving a car is not ________ ________ ________ riding a bike in rush hour.

  14. 很高興你能來看我。

  ________ ________ that you can come to see me.

  15. 我們的教室5米寬。

  Our classroom is ________ ________ ________ .

  16. 有人喜歡甜品,有人可能喜歡酸食。

  ________ like sweet, while ________ may love sour.

  17. 我們參加晚會時不應該遲到。

  We shouldn’t ________ ________ ________ a party.

  18. 對不起,請不要講話好嗎?

  Excuse me, would you please ________ ________?

  19. 當你遇到困難的時候,為什麼不求助呢?

  ________ ________ ________ ________ some help when you are in trouble?

  20. 觀光最好是乘坐旅遊巴士或騎自行車。

  It’s best to go sightseeing ________ by tour bus or ________ ________.

  21. 我告訴她別忘了把書帶給我。

  I told her ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ me the book.

  22. 你越瞭解她,你就會越喜歡她。

  ________ ________ you know her, ________ ________ you’ll like her.

  23. 李華複習完功課,才開始寫作業。

  Li Hua ________ ________ ________ do his homework ________ he finished going over the lessons.

  24. 我們喜歡談論如何實現我們的理想。

  We ________ ________ about ________ ________ realize our dreams.

  25. 我聽見屋裡有人在哭。

  I _________ somebody __________ in the room.


  1. You’d better 2. Neither, nor 3. stop, from 4. Let, help

  5. bought, for 6. get better 7. What’s wrong with 8. both on land

  9. good for, bad for 10. spend doing/on 11. call me back 12. What/How about

  13. as/so fast as 14. I’m glad 15. five meters wide 16. Some, others

  17. be late for 18. stop talking 19. Why not ask for 20. either, by bicycle

  21. not to forget to bring 22. The more, the more

  23. didn’t start to, until 24. enjoy talking, how to 25. heard, crying



  1. 同學們,該做眼保健操了。

  ________________________ do eye exercise, class.

  2. 很抱歉給您添了很多麻煩。

  ________________________ to bring you so much trouble.

  3. 爸爸昨天太忙了,沒能和我們去野餐。

  My dad________________________ have a picnic with us.

  4. 太陽一出來,霧就會消失。

  The fog will die away ________________________ the sun comes out.

  5. 李先生現在很忙,恐怕您要在這兒等幾分鐘。

  Mr Li is busy now. ________________________ you’ll have to wait for a few minutes.

  6. 我的鬧鐘壞了,所以我今天早晨起床晚了。

  ________________________ my alarm clock, so I got up late this morning.

  7. 他們飛速奔跑去趕公共汽車。

  They ran ________________________ they could to catch the bus.

  8. 你願意加入我們的“舞者俱樂部” 嗎?

  ________________________ to join our Dancer Club?

  9. 老師要求我們不要單獨一人游泳。

  Teachers ________________________ swim alone.

  10. 你太累了,一定要儘可能多休息。

  You are too tired. You must rest __________________.

  11. 在鍛鍊前做熱身活動是很重要的。

  ________________________ warm up before exercise.

  12. 為什麼不給我們講講你在美國的故事呢?

  __________________________________ in the US?

  13. 過去我怕黑,而現在我不怕了。

  I __________________ the dark, but now I’m not.

  14. 你最好不要讓她在這裡待太久。

  You ________________________ her stay here very long.

  15. 謝謝你及時幫我把這訊息告訴他。

  Thanks for ________________________ him in time.

  16. 這本書太難了,我一點兒也讀不懂。

  The book was so ____________________________________.

  17. 我發現很難讓我爸爸戒菸。

  I ____________________ my father from smoking.

  18. 他不僅以才能出名,而且還有出名的好心腸。

  He is famous _________________________________________ his kindness.

  19. 這個男孩酷愛足球,每天都要練習兩小時。

  The boy ___________________________ he practices it for two hours every day.

  20. 我們從北京飛往上海大約花了兩個個小時。

  It ____________________________ to fly from Beijing to Shanghai.

  21. 我有兩種練習口語的方法:一個是大聲朗讀,另一個是儘可能多得和人用英文交談。

  I have two ways to practice my oral English. One is reading aloud,_______________________

  ___________ as much as possible.

  22. 我認為父母沒必要過分關注孩子的學習。

  I don’t think _________________________________ to care more about their kids’ studies.

  23. 一些學生正在準備表演節目。

  Some students are _________________________ acting.

  24. 媽媽認為我需要在功課上花更多時間,而不是上網聊天。

  My mom thinks I need to __________________________ chat on the Internet.

  25. 在過去的十年裡,我的家鄉發生了巨大變化。

  Great changes _________________________ in China in the past 10 years.


  1. It’s time to 2. I’m sorry 3. was too busy to 4. as soon as

  5. I’m afraid that 6. There’s something wrong with/ Something is wrong with

  7. as fast as 8. Would you like 9. ask us not to 10. as much as possible

  11. It’s very important to 12. Why not tell us your stories

  13. used to be afraid of 14. had better not make

  15. helping me tell the news to 16. hard/difficult that I couldn’t understand it at all

  17. find it difficult to stop 18. not only for his talent but ***also*** for

  19. likes ***playing*** soccer so much that 20. took us about two hours

  21. the other is talking with others 22. it’s necessary for parents

  23. getting ready for/preparing for

  24. spend more time on my schoolwork rather than

  25. have taken place