golden childhood, childhood was a happy childhood is beautiful, interesting childhood, like a film, like the emergence of scenes in my mind.
That is when I was three, and once back home, I saw the ball on the ground have a lot of different things like chocolate, I thought it was chocolate ball, suddenly salivate, a tendency to pick up a lightning in his mouth and suddenly feel the smell very, I wow - is heard to cry. Brother came out to look, acridine! I put the mouth of the sheep egg! He chuckled, said: "Little fool, that sheep eggs to eat. "I blushed with shame, went to rinse the eloquence better.
you said I was stupid? Now think of it still laughing too! This is my childhood fun.
My childhood, it is a song with a happy mood, a record of my childhood fun, big and small.
Remember once, my mother to sleep on the sofa, 3 years old I sit on the floor playing with blocks, three feet saliva down, and I am also helping to put on a pair of, silly smile. Suddenly, I saw a like rabbit ears two iron piece, and put on a small black ball. I take this black things, bare little feet "kipper, snapped," ran the sofa over there.
Then I "ride" on mom, picked up the iron went to mother in the nostrils, mother was I woke, see this stupid idea, I will understand. Mom smiled and took me, I gladly run. Mother catch up with me, a picked up said to me: "kid, don't always think of some way to deal with me!" I jumped out of his mother's arms and ran away.
This is my childhood story, remember now, I feel funny.
Before I went to middle school, I lived with my grandparents. At that time, I stayed in the country, which was the most beautiful place for me. Early in the morning, I walked along the country road, appreciating the fresh air. We raised a little dog. He was my best friend, and he accompanied me all the time. No matter what I did and where I went, the little dog was with me and I loved him so much. Sometimes I would pick up the fruit in the garden, sometimes I would catch the fish in the clear river. It was such a happy childhood for me that I will never forget.
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